My cat and me

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
So I inhereted an old cat from my Mom, he's brought much love to my home...

if I don't wake up at 5 am. he just sits next to me and like a little alarm clock and "meows" untill I wake up and let Him out.

We are going just a few miles away on our vacation in an RV..

should i leave him home with my nice neighbor? or should I take him the State Park to go fishing with me? He has his shots, but will a Racoon get him?

Eric, Austin, Tx.
So I inhereted an old cat from my Mom, he's brought much love to my home...

if I don't wake up at 5 am. he just sits next to me and like a little alarm clock and "meows" untill I wake up and let Him out.

We are going just a few miles away on our vacation in an RV..

should i leave him home with my nice neighbor? or should I take him the State Park to go fishing with me? He has his shots, but will a Racoon get him?

Eric, Austin, Tx.

I would be afraid he would wander away if you took him with you - unless he is leash trained. Cats, at least the ones I have had, get spooked by new places. Don't even think he is "different" and won't wander away. Unless you can keep him safely in the RV I would leave him at home.

My 2 cents :flowers:
I've had cats all my life and I vote to keep the kitty at home, especially if it's an older one as you say. Cats are creatures of habit and those who are up in years appreciate constancy and routine even more. Let someone else take care of the kitty at home and enjoy your trip.
i own a small dog and have many critters running through my yard. racoons opossums and such. it is hard to decide if you want to restrict your pets time in the outdoors but if she is outside i'm always there keeping an eye on her. having been a cat owner and with many friends who have cats i would say don't bring him. if he turns out to always stay close then it is a calculated risk for you to take. let him adjust and you will be able to make a much better call on it. plus most cats i know are happy running the house whith the owner away. hope he likes his new diggs.
My husband and I had a wonderful cat (SAM )for 17 years. The first 2 times we were going away we left him in a cattery, where he was very well kept but he was unhappy. Then one of our neighbors offered to came to the apartment everyday and take care of his needs: clean sandbox, give him food and a little tender care and petting. As he was in "his home" he was happy. The only other things we did was to leave and old and used tshirt that my husband wore for one evening, leave it on the floor. While we were away, Sam used to lay down in this tshirt.
Perhaps this will help you........
Awwww, sounds as if you really love him!

As has been said, leave him home and let the nice neighbor take care of him. If you are only a few miles away and you miss him, drop by your house for a hug and a pat every now and then.

Please leave him home better he be a little unhappy than for you to have a broken heart if he should turn up missing. From a cat ;lover for ever
LOL Eric, I have a clip that you would get a kick out of if you saw it. It is way to funny and exactly what you described! I wish I could post it for you! I would say leave at home, cats are much better equipped at being on their own as compared to a dog!!
I never had kitties. This one is dealing with lose of former momma and lose of former home. Is their environment more important, more important than their people contact/familarity. I guess that's what you have to decide.
See, not having cats, my instinct was to say, "keep kitty with new family. So it felt safe. You cat owners said to keep cat more physically safe. I was 100% off base.
My guy (an abused doggie) doesn't care where he is as long as he's with me, which means safe. And I would never go somewhere he couldn't. But cats, as a rule are not leash trained, correct? Then I would have to give him up to a safer environment. But it would break my heart.
Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy your vacation. When you get back to reality, I hope all is well.
hehe I used to have a cat, it was so old that when it meowed it sounded really weird and like he was saying 'hello', weird little thing :)
I concur with the others. Even as it sounds like he's an outdoors cat (well, both indoors and outdoors) he's had some big changes it sounds like already. He'd likely be happierstaying at home and sleeping off the culture shock of the changes.
I would leave him home. He would be more comfortable there. He may miss you, but at least there's no chance of him getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

I have to agree-he may miss you, but at least he's safe at home. Besides, cats are pretty independent little buggers...
My cat is 8 yrs old. Some may be okay with boarding. Most do not and are susceptible to urinary tract infections. By trial and error, when I'm gone for five days or less I leave her alone - two clean litter boxes, an ample supply of food and water and she's fine. If I'm going to be gone longer I hire someone to come to the house each day. I also do not think it's a good idea to take her along unless she is comfortable in your RV and you can keep her confined in it.
as a kitty-owner, i'd keep him with your neighbor. he may throw fits, then be fine after awhile.

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