Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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O.K. Lifesaver, here is one I'm not sure would be considered beautiful. This was about 7 years ago. My DH and I were going to a halloween party and snapped this while he was embarrassing my son. How convienent that there were no pictures of me as him/her husband. Also if anyone asks, we have no idea how this photo got here on DC.
That is a really cool shot.

There's nothing more fun than embarrassing your kids.

Is that not the ugliest woman you have ever seen? It was so funny, he wore my black & brown top with matching skirt, but he refused to wear a bra, so he rolled up a bath towel and put it under the top and the whole evening he was adjusting himself because they kept sagging.
That photograph was done about 6 months ago. As soon as spring arrives and Florida starts turning green again I want to do another photo shoot with him again. He had an upper resp. infection about 2 weeks prior and still looks a little pale in the picture.
Pienza, Italy:


Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy:


A small street in Lucca, Italy:






Outside the Parthenon in Rome (titled "Oh, oh!"):


After the Storm, Florence:


A Quiet Canal, Venice, Italy:

Cara, i don't know *what* you're doing with your camera, but the lighting in those shots is all just incredible.

jellyfish at the Monterrey Bay aquarium:

chinese noodle soup, aka, monster from the deep:

and of course the cutest pooch anywhere:
radhuni, that's really nice. i have a son whom is in the military and he is in to dragons. he has a large red dragon tattooed on his back and it looks really cool.
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