That "Ah-ha" Moment

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I'm really enjoying these "Ah Hah" moments! None of my own seem to stand out in my memory, but I'll continue to work on that. In the mean time, this continues to be a fascinating thread! :chef:
Selkie, I am sure you could come up with something. Hey, look at Uncle Bob's response!

I think ah-ha moments can mean different things to different people and in different situations.

I remember how when I was younger (and even into my early adulthood) I was known as "Sorry Laurie" because I said that word so often and when someone would call me on it and tell me I didn't always have to say it, my reflex response was always "sorry". Well, Since my Dad has come to live with us and his health, memory, hearing, sight, etc. are all failing, he says sorry a lot and I keep telling him he doesn't have to....we all understand his situation. It hit me one day (ah-ha!) I always said it because I was feeling self-conscious and now my Dad is no longer this very strong and determined man I have always looked up to. Because I was a sorry-sayer I have a lot of compassion for him now!
in my young adult hood, i was such a perfectionist. one day it dawned on me. no one cared but me. i got over feeling used and abused and gave up on trying to be perfect.
I suppose many of us think that people pay more attention to us than they actually do. I used to be a bit that way about a lot of different things. One day it hit me that if I didn't pay that much attention to them and what they were doing, they probably didn't give me a second thought either. I don't know if it is a place we reach because of age or experience.
Probably a bit of both. The other can be said too. I was going through a hard time and was whining to my husband that our "so-called" friends hadn't called or included us in things and his (right on) response was "have you called them?" Ah ha!
My Aha Moment

I am a smoker (no lectures please). I’ve been using sprays to control the odor since there has been virtually no breeze for over a month.

I have white tile floors with brownish specks. *AACCKK*

I’ve been noticing my floors getting dirtier than my normal routine could keep up with.

AHA! The spray is literally pasting the smoke to the floor.

I had tried just quickly scrubbing with dish soap and wiping it down, and found that the floor was now sticky. Really sticky.

I’ll go back to using potpourri and scented oils.

I’m glad I figured it out.

It’ll be a chore scrubbing, but I can get back to my regular cleaning routine.
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