The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
nope... but I do have to make a few freeze ahead meals for the boss man

lives closer to Disney than I do
nope, i dont think i have.....
nope, tomorrow is thursday. PAJAMA DAY!!!!

TPBM will be here in an hour or so I gotta wake up THE MAN.
can't stop eating.. can't stop typing.. can't stop...laughing

needs a new toothbrush
yes I do. And I hope that you put the kids to be early sometimes so that you have time to spend with YOU.

loves the smell of bacon cooking on the stove
with out others... where would we be?

wonders like I do what others on line are really like
yeah. DH thinks i'm mental for it. I think he's evil....

TPBM had a false alarm.
LOL... I come back and here we go again!
leave it to me to thorw a wrench in things!!!!1
obnoxiously early.

TPBM should be crocheting some certain candy not typing!
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