The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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never had it but i'd try it.

TPBM is not ready to go back to work tomorrow.... or any day....
no.. but I don't think I have to worry about it because NO one is calling me back.. :)

is making meat balls
yes and they smell GOOD!!!!
I hope my sauce measures up....

TPBM thinks 5 video game consoles in 1 house is LOONEY!!
nope. only the gamecube and the ALL IMPORTANT 360!!!!!
oh wait, the ps2 is downstairs.....

Yep, have VCR, its very very neglected. Bought it 2 weeks b4 getting a DVR.....

TPBM saves more crap than they will ever use.
no..but my husband might...

is ready for their nap
(ok,it's really me that is ready)
I've been able (finally!) to shop 4 of the last 6 days.
we can eat well for another month!!! (whew!)

TPBM can see I'm not so upset about all my extra hours lately anymore....
I can. I know getting those pay checks always help!!!

is eating right I may have to wait for her to come back
no i waited too long between browning and baking in sauce. temp isn't coming up too fast and I had to stop the pasta water!

TPBM is pretty sure nobody will like her dinner anyway..........
I'm sure everyone will love it! The kids will LOVE giant meatballs and you can tell TJ that you ...oh wait... I can't say that ...never mind....

doesn't think I'll ever lose weight if I don't stop making cookies for hubby
Do you know what he said after he requested this dish???
cookies are ok..... if you dont eat anything else......

TPBM shoulda started dinner at noon.
how does four cookies and a can of zero point soup sound...dinner ( chicken salad and veggies yet to come)

Doesn't know that I did start dinner around noon

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