The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I love to garden, however last year I was away for the whole summer and this year I can't do as much as I like in the way of flowers. I do have my organic herb garden though.

TPBM puts lots of butter on their popcorn
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Oh, those are one of my major downfalls! I have even made them!

TPBM likes cooking but not cleaning up afterwards.
my moniker is what is the difference betw a chef and a cook and I consider myself an underglorified "chef" hahaha--got the kids trained tho'---they don't mind cleaning up as they want to eat

likes to grill
I am working on becoming one with my grill this summer! Stove just kicks out too much heat for the aging a/c to keep up!

TPBM Is ready for some quality alone time!
I am sooooo ready for quality time....only trouble is DH was called into work on his time off....again. And DD's BF is too tired so they aren't coming to dinner.:(

TPBM likes going for walks on the beach.
never had it but I'll try most anything once!

TPBM is a very nice person.
I dont have friends. :(
My family are my friends though!!! (more my husbands family are my friends, my family doesn't like me)

TPBM is watching the SpongeBob SquarePants movie..... again......
No, but I have seen it about three times with my best friend's kids.

TPBM doesn't like brussel sprouts

(Suzi, I thought WE were your friends!)
aha but I didn't spend any time with ya this weekend!!!

I actually do like brussel sprouts! with vinegar. yum.

TPBM would love to own a private jet.
I just finished dinner (for Middie's brussel sprout answer)

Well, I would like to own my own private jet as long as a pilot comes with it. I don't even drive a car anymore, let alone a plane!!!

TPBM once dreamed of being a celebrity!
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