The Sick Room

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
Many of us at DC are getting older, and at times we want support and sympathy. That's a great idea, but our aches and pains can clutter up some of the other threads to the point that I think I'm reading a medical journal! :wacko:

I figure we can post our complaints here. Questions, too. Not like we should look for real medical advice, since (I think) none of us are a licensed doctor, but sometimes someone else has had a little problem that another one of us has found a crazy help for. I'm sure if someone gets too close to acting like a real doctor, someone will be along to set us on the right path. (I'm looking at you, GotGarlic. :LOL: With love, of course. :flowers: )
Having problems with this years Flu Vaccine,I'm not the only one. One of my CNA's got a full body rash. Lots of the old folks spiking temps and getting a cough. I have the achy, don't want to get out of bed, dang this cold type of reaction.

Shrek is feeling the Chemo, still has his hair. We are about halfway through his treatments.
Halfway is good, but over will be better. ;) Even with chemo, I bet he still has way more hair than Himself does. :LOL:

I haven't gotten my flu shot yet. I planned on getting it before we leave for our annual Florida trip. Should I plan on being laid out for a few days? I can always make sure there are plenty of leftov...oh, what am I saying. I ALWAYS have plenty of leftovers! I've never had reactions to the flu vaccine before, PF. How long is the down time on this one?
Thinking 2 or 3 days. I'm on day three, still achy and congested, but not as bad as yesterday. Tylenol and guaifenesin (Mucinex) are helpful.

My CNA has had the flu shot for the past 8 years without a reaction, then BAM! I didn't take my eyes off her since she is allergic to a lot of things and has asthma.
Got my flu shot Wednesday afternoon. Felt sort of achy and out-of-sorts Thursday, actually declared a do-as-little-as-possible day that day. Felt a little better yesterday, but am kind-of achy this AM.
Having problems with this years Flu Vaccine, I'm not the only one. One of my CNA's got a full body rash. Lots of the old folks spiking temps and getting a cough. I have the achy, don't want to get out of bed, dang this cold type of reaction.

Shrek is feeling the Chemo, still has his hair. We are about halfway through his treatments.

I have noticed that also. My doctor cornered me yesterday and asked me if I had my flu shot yet. I told him no and my reason why. Then he reminded me I needed to get my yearly pneumonia shot. I was unaware that I had to get a booster every year. I go to Winthrop next week again, and will definitely remind my nurse if she doesn't bring it up.

I woke up today and my leg is feeling pretty good. That doesn't mean I am out of the woods yet though. I had three ulcers and now am down to two. And those two still hurt like the dickens every time they are exposed to the air. Thank goodness Winthrop gave me a box of AllDress to keep them covered. I change it once a day along with adding the antibiotic ointment to them. The regimen seem to be working.

It has been about six months or so since my original nurse retired. Even though I know Sharon told Nicole that I know how to take care of myself, it has taken this long for he to believe me. I know sterile procedures and I recognize when I am in trouble or even the start of it. One time Nicole told me that even though with five kids I have done it all, she remarked that with age, we tend to forget how to do things. That remark called for me to clench my teeth, take a deep breath and remind her that I am not one of her Alzheimer patients. I still have all my faculties. I walked away from her at that point before I said something I would regret.

This latest battle with her gave me cause to search for other health plans in my area. I need to make a private appointment with her supervisor. And still not get her into trouble. I like Nicole, but she has to back off some. she has become too intrusive into my life. And I am beginning to resent her.
Many of us at DC are getting older, and at times we want support and sympathy. That's a great idea, but our aches and pains can clutter up some of the other threads to the point that I think I'm reading a medical journal! :wacko:

This thread is a great idea CG!! Reading a food thread that turns into a discussion on bodily functions for example, can be really disgusting. :rolleyes:

SC and I both had our flu shots a couple weeks ago and neither of us had any reaction to them. As someone who actually had the flu so bad once, I'd never be without the vaccination even if I felt a bit poorly after having it.
With my health problems, getting the flu again would most certainly be very dangerous.
We've also had the pneumonia and shingles shots, without any reactions to them.
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Lol, K-L. I feel like I'm on the fast track downhill sometimes.

That used to be good. Faster, exciting, more fun... Now, it's a bad thing.
Many years ago, my sister and two of her kids came down with the flu. She asked me if I could come over and cook for her family. By the time I got there, her other two kids also became sick with the flu. Her husband came home early from work not feeling well. Oh great! Six people in the same house very sick with the flu. So I brought my four kids over there while I took care of my sister and her family. Yup, you guessed it. My four kids came down with the flu also. I had left a note for my husband where I was and why. So when he got off from work the next morning, he came over to see how I was doing. Two days later he joined the crowd. My sister's family of six and five of my family down with the flu. Why didn't I get it also? I have no idea. But now I had eleven folks in the same house to nurse. Year after year, I have never had the flu. And I have certainly been exposed to it. I was exposed to it over the years with my kids. One case of the flu does not give you immunity. Just ask my kids. Year after year. Child after child. Even though they got their flu shots. A couple of years ago Pirate got the flu shot. I have never seen anyone so sick with the flu like he was after he got his shot.

So I figure if I have never caught the flu after being exposed so many times over the years, then I am not going to put into my body a disease that I never seem to catch. Since childhood I have been exposed to all the childhood diseases. Measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio (my sister), even rabies. I got my DPT shot as a child, even my booster in the first grade. But if it was a disease cause by a virus disease, it went right past me. (Is rabies cause by a virus?) I have also had Tetnus booster shots over the years. Not my idea, but the doctor's.

But if it is a bacterial infection, I swear it flies in from Iowa of a jet plane and finds me. Even a simple paper cut turns into an bacterial infection. But the flu? Nope. Virus just don't like me. Along with some folks I know. So once again this year, no Flu shot for me.

And yes folks, I know that the P stands for Pertussis, another name for Whooping Cough.
This is a great idea for a new thread, CG. Every now and then I'm just plain ol' tired, have a few aches and pains (most recently a nasty cold), and resorted to a peanut butter and honey sandwich for dinner. Nothing to write home about in the dinner thread, or describing any side effects. ;) :LOL:

I've never had a flu shot and haven't had the flu in many years. Seriously considering one this year though - like a few others have mentioned, getting on up there myself. :)
I used to get free flu shots at work but stopped since retiring. That I can remember, I have only had the actual flu once in my life, the achy, feverish, can't get out of bed flu. I've had colds, and some were bad, but no aches or fevers. I know that doesn't mean I won't get it now, but I'm rarely out and about among other people, so I think that's why I rarely get sick. DH gets sick, and I am with him 24/7, but I don't catch it.

I do have many other old age related maladies, though.
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