trivia 10/2

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 10/2
The English word "soup" comes from the Middle Ages word "sop," which means a slice of bread over which roast drippings were poured. The first archaeological evidence of soup being consumed dates back to 6000 B.C., with the main ingredient being Hippopotamus bones!

1. Which Rocker connects Blind Faith, Spencer Davis Group, and Traffic ?
2. If a bird is a "Palmiped" what's special about it ?
3. What nationality was composer Tchaikovsky ?
4. Which city sits farther north, Edinburgh or Glasgow ?
5. How many times do you sing "Yeah" in the chorus of She Loves You ?
6. In the thriller, Day of the Jackal, which world leader was the focus of an assassination attempt ?
7. What's the oldest surviving University in the U.S.A. ?
8. Who recorded the Albums Abraxus and Shaman, thirty years apart ?
Skateboarding falls at number eight on the list of most injury-prone sports activities.
1. Steve Winwood
2. Webbed Feet
3. Russian
4. Edinburgh
5. Ten
6. Charles DeGaulle
7. Harvard
8. Santana
The US Consumer Products Safety Commission reports that about 26,000 people were treated in hospital emergency rooms last year with skateboard related injuries, placing it at number three on the list.
The most common types of injuries are sprains, fractures, contusions and abrasions. Not as common, but still reported, are deaths due to skaters colliding with cars and deaths from falls.

Six out of 10 skateboard injuries are to children under the age of 15

One third of those injured have been riding less than a week, the next highest number of injuries are experienced by riders with a year or more of experience
The most common injury for beginning riders is falls
Experienced riders commonly get injured when they attempt stunts or ride on surfaces that are not smooth.
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