Using a melon baller...

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Senior Cook
Dec 29, 2006
Ok, I've rarely used these things, and when I have I always wind up with something closer to a hemisphere than a ball.

I know you don't use it like an ice-cream scoop across the surface(as it would just leave you with something that would unroll, if you got anything viable at all...).

Do I just get it in as deep as possible, cut the ball, and just yank it out through the fruit that's holding the baller and ball in? Seems like a waste....

Plan is to use it on apples... if it makes a difference. Peeled if that also makes a difference.
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Don't go any farther below the surface of the melon than you have to to make a nice, round ball. Sure, there's a bit of waste, but the balls make a nice presentation in a fruit salad.
You can also use a melon baller to core an apple. Cut the apple in half longitudinally and use the melon baller to scoop out the core.
The key is in the name - use them on melons i.e., cantelope, watermelon, honeydew, papaya, ripe mango, etc (softer fruits). I have never used one on an apple though - unless it was to remove the core as mentioned but I usually just do that with a knife in one fell swoop. You don't want to scrape the surface like you mentioned but dig down (EDITED TO SAY: - dig might be the wrong word - gently scoop in a circular motion - let the utensil do the work for you) while you twist. And no, it won't be a perfect circle every time but certainly close enough. They also do well to core a pear since a pear is usually softer.
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you can also use it on jelly for a pretty effect in a fruit salad and icecream dish.

As to the wasted bits - I scoop them all together and just eat that bit myself! Waste nothing then!
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