Chocolate Cream Pie

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Senior Cook
Aug 19, 2004
Bevier, Missouri, USA
I make a lot of things for my dad to take to work with him, for department parties and such, and today he wants me to make him a chocolate cream pie. I already have the crust made, and the meringue part is super easy, i just don't have a recipe for the filling. Can anyone of you help me? The sooner the better. Thanks in advance!

Oh wow, I don't have a recipe for this!

I think, though, that I remember my mother always used basic chocolate pudding for the filling. Just make sure you seal the pudding in by completely covering it with meringue.
Okay, obviously, no one has any thing that can help me. So, I have another question: I have a recipe here for coconut creme pie, and I was wondering if there is a chocolate variation I could use.


EDIT: SORRY! I STARTED THIS BEFORE ANYONE ELSE POSTED. I have a question for you have to use the cook and serve kind of pudding?
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