Things to do with Bacon

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I guess I watch too much of “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives”.
Most of what I see is not worth a second thought. Every once in a while, you see something that catches the eye, tickles the fancy or makes you salivate uncontrollably.

Here are two items I saw on different episodes that I plan to try. I can’t remember what they were called.

1. Boneless, skinless duck breast. With your knife horizontal to the cutting board cut the breast in to three thin layers. Pound thin. Mix cream cheese with a spicy chile paste. Place a dab of the cream cheese and a slice of pickled jalapeno on one end of the duck. Roll it up and wrap in a thick slice of bacon. Grill until the bacon is crispy.

2. Wrap a tater tot and a slice of pickled jalapeno with a slice of thick cut bacon. Deep fry.

I’m especially looking forward to #1 as it combines my two most favorite meats.

I love watching DDD, I get lots of ideas from all the shows.

Bacon is a favorite ingredient for me! Thanks, Andy! I hadn't seen either show.
They came here for a small restaurant. Now you can't get in the door or around the traffic jams. It was great publicity for the restaurant, but lousy for the community.
That happens anytime a restaurant is featured on DDD. I think they should name the restaurant, but not name the city. That would cut back on a lot of it. The cookbooks based on the show don't have the recipes on the dishes I am most interested in.

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