Trivia 8/31

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 8/31
Weather stations detect rain 300 days out of 365 each year in American

1. To be classed as true caviar the roe must come from wild sturgeon that
have dwelt in either of two bodies of water; Name them ...
(Hint; _____ Sea and ________ Sea )
2. What is the bone in the human body that allows us to speak?
(Hint; Starts with H, 5 letters)
3. In a dance routine, what is the highest number you count to?
4. Name That Flick !
Hilary Duff stars as one of MANY children in this 2003 holiday film remake. Ashton
Kutcher plays her oldest sister's snobby boyfriend.
5. The Faroe Islands, a North Atlantic archipelago located between Norway
and Iceland, is an autonomous country of ...... what other country ?
a. - Iceland
b. - Norway
c. - Sweden
d. - Denmark
6. Winnie the Pooh is to honey as Paddington Bear is to ..... what ?
7. "Cat weeps for dead mouse" is a Chinese idiom for what western idiom ?
8. Four POTUS's have so far won the Nobel Peace Prize; can you name three ?

Peanut oil is used to make dynamite.
1. Black Sea and Caspian Sea
2. Hyoid
3. - 8
4. Cheaper by the Dozen
5. - d
6. Orange Marmalade
7. 'Crocodile Tears'
8. Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama

Peanut oil is used to make Glycerol, and glycerol is an ingredient in
nitroglycerin, and nitroglycerin is in dynamite...
...A “Nobel” legume !

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