Lentil Soup

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Lentil Soup

Fresh garlic - chopped fine - to taste
Onion - chopped small - to taste
2 Tbsp. Olive oil
Carrots - peeled and chopped small - to taste - optional
Salt and ground black pepper
1 lb. Bag lentils
2 quarts water (chicken, vegetable or beef stock may be used or a combination of all 4. I just use water and beef stock)
Heat olive oil in pot. Add onion and garlic; cook on low heat till soft but not brown. Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at a low simmer until the lentils are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Serve over rice for a complete protein meal.

I make it too - very similar - but add diced carrots and some green leafy vegetable
about 10 min. after the lentils go in.
i usually add carrots also but this was supposed to have left overs for making pasta and lentils the second day BUT my family loves it so much they devoured it for dinner and my girl finished the last of it off for a snack that night and breakfast the next morning!! :LOL: well at least she liked it and it isn't junk food.
This looks like a great "quick fix" meal... I love cooking with lentils for this very reason. Most recently I used Red Lentils and roasted red peppers to make a delicious pureed soup... check it out HERE.

Thanks for the recipe!

i added celery to the ingredients list and updated the recipe. i also added a better picture.

3 Cloves Fresh garlic - chopped fine
Medium Onion - chopped small
2 Tbsp. Olive oil
3 Carrots - peeled and chopped small
3 Celery stalks - chopped small
Salt and ground black pepper
1 lb. Bag lentils
2 quarts water (or chicken stock, vegetable stock, beef stock or a combination of all 4 may be used.)

Heat olive oil in soup pot. Add onion, garlic, carrots and celery; cook on low heat till soft but not brown. Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at a low simmer until the lentils are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Serve over rice for a complete protein meal.

just a litle variation on your recipe,

to add body to it you take 25 percent of the soup and put it in the blender, blend it fine and then put it back with the rest...
also a bit of chopped parsley will do miracles for a lentil soup...

but it's your soup.....
just a litle variation on your recipe,

to add body to it you take 25 percent of the soup and put it in the blender, blend it fine and then put it back with the rest...
also a bit of chopped parsley will do miracles for a lentil soup...

but it's your soup.....
thank you but we like it this way. it thickens up on its own as the lentils absord the liquid. i use left over soup to make lentils and pasta.

I started eatting lentils when I was in Iraq. About once a week I would eat with the Nepali security guys they had lentils and rice at every meals. After the first meal I was hooked.

I started eatting lentils when I was in Iraq. About once a week I would eat with the Nepali security guys they had lentils and rice at every meals. After the first meal I was hooked.
they are yummy!! my favorite is this soup over rice and pasta and lentils.
Makes me wish I hadn't already had dinner! Thanks!

I brought home Dill Pickle soup and feasted - Gidgett (in picture) went nuts over it! Go figure!
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Makes me wish I hadn't already had dinner! Thanks!

I brought home Dill Pickle soup and feasted - Gidgett (in picture) went nuts over it! Go figure!
thank you. i have never heard of dill pickle soup. besides pickles what else is in it?
I put crumbled hot Italian sausage in my lentil soup & eat it with crusty bread...yum.
that sounds yummy. when i make lentils it usually to have a meatless healthy meal that my kids like. so its soup the first day and pasta and lentils the second day if there is any soup left. i think i will try the sausage addition in the soup next time which will also taste good the second day with the pasta. thank you for the 2 new dinner ideas. maybe i will add spinach with the sausage also.

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