Maggi seasoning sauce

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Senior Cook
Mar 7, 2009
Naperville, Illinois
I watched someone on Youtube making fried rice. He raved about Maggi seasoning sauce. My local grocery does not carry it. Is it that good? Should I go to the trouble to seek it out, or order it online? Any other opinions? Thank you.
Too salty for me. If you get a hold of some, just use a couple of drops.
I watched someone on Youtube making fried rice. He raved about Maggi seasoning sauce. My local grocery does not carry it. Is it that good? Should I go to the trouble to seek it out, or order it online? Any other opinions? Thank you.

I've never used t but I've seen it at the local Asian market. Its not expensive. DescubreMAGGI: Home
The German Maggi tastes somewhat different than the Asian one. I do not like the Asian one, The European version has a more intense Lovage flavor.

I didn't realize it was different regionally. The stuff I've had came from a Vietnamese market in DC.
Concentrated flavor...Very Salty....We use it in most Asian dishes both on the stove and as a condiment at the table.....A little dab will do ya!! ....The version I buy is made in China and is wheat based....I've seen/heard off corn, soy and peanut based examples....It is a flavor enhancer.

I love the Maggi Seasoning Sauce and it is definitely concentrated. A few drops will do ya'. I find it in the Asian section of my local market and I think Walmart even carries it.
I know Kai on YT uses it in a lot of videos.

Since I am not good at using just a drop or two of something I don't use it. But the stuff is good.
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