Corn Canning Question.

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Assistant Cook
Apr 7, 2021
I need advice on the hot packing vs raw packing ways of canning fresh corn. Pros, Cons on both methods? And btw, I scraped all that delicious pulp and corn milk from the cobs. Can that be canned as well? Thanks.
OK - the only way I can see you doing this, if you want to preserve it as "corn", is to brine it, in which case , you´ll need to cook it for about 10 minutes in boiling water, and then cover it with the brine. If you can it raw, I think it will probably end up , raw, given that corn is not too soft.
You´ll need some large quart jars first of all, with a proper lid. You need to cook your corn in boiling salted water for about 10 minutes, then drain it.
While you´re doing that, prepare the brine: 4 tbsps salt to every quart ( about 4 cups ) of water. Fill the jars with the corn, then pour the hot brine over the top. Make sure the corn is covered by at least 1/2" of brine. Seal the jars, then put them up to their necks in boiling water. "Cook" for about 25 minutes - this will ensure the jars are vacuum sealed, once the jars cool.
If you want to ensure your corn is sweet, add a couple of teaspoons of sugar to the brine.
I recommend that you check out the recipes at the National Center for Home Food Preservation. If you are canning just corn, it won't have a low enough pH to can in a water bath canner. You will need to pressure can it.

Here's a link to the search at the NCHFP.
We've canned corn fresh shaved from the cob in a pickle medley, water bath canning it fresh worked just fine. It stayed crispy and was a nice sweet bite to the sour vinegar pickling broth!
We've canned corn fresh shaved from the cob in a pickle medley, water bath canning it fresh worked just fine. It stayed crispy and was a nice sweet bite to the sour vinegar pickling broth!

The vinegar lowers the pH, so it might still be safe to water bath can.
What I want to know about commerially canneed corn is how thy get the whole kernels.

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