Lemon Curd

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Although I've made Lemon Curd on several occasions, I admit it has been awhile since the last time I've done. This has never happened before.

The 'mouth feel' is not creamy. What did I do wrong? Has always been dreamy creamy but this one feels... 'grainy'.
Although I've made Lemon Curd on several occasions, I admit it has been awhile since the last time I've done. This has never happened before.

The 'mouth feel' is not creamy. What did I do wrong? Has always been dreamy creamy but this one feels... 'grainy'.

What did you do?
Pretty sure this is the way I've always done it.

Beat together the sugar and butter, add eggs one at a time, stir in zest, gradually add lemon juice. Cook over medium-low heat stirring/whisking constantly, 'til mixture bubbles and thickens . Cooled in a bowl approx. 1 hour, then chilled overnight.

Still tastes great but texture is not 'creamy'.

also has not now thickened the way I remember.
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That's why I'm puzzled. I cooked it, stirring all the while, for a good 12 minutes or more. I can hardly believe the sugar didn't melt. I don't think it would be the egg.

I'm not going to worry too much about it - still tastes good. Would have liked it to thicken a bit more properly. Might just reheat it again and see if that does the trick.
There are no lumps at all. The texture is perfectly even - gritty but even.

It really isn't what I should call gritty - just not velvety like a pudding/curd should be.

Perhaps I'll try recooking it to see if that works.
Dragn, this is how I do my Lemon Curd:
A bit different as to how you make yours,
but it always comes out smooth, creamy and delectable :yum:
Kgirl, now that I've read your blog post, I'm wondering if I've used a different recipe than normal. The technique I used is from a cake recipe I made a while ago and was the first one to pop out of my recipe book, so I used it without looking further. It worked fine for the cake & icing, it also thickened up a lot more then. I honestly don't remember the creaminess. I think I would have noticed had it not been.

Although I had no issues with cooking it directly in a pot - I do remember having used a double boiler method eons ago.

I'll try re-cooking it to thicken but then go ahead and make the tarts. Taste is yummy - so no worries.

...and now I have to go hunt up that Chocolate Italian Meringue Buttercream - and I don't even have a cake to put it on.
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Gads Princess - I just read that whole thread, grinning all the way.

Gonna have to try the lime and the grapefruit - WOW!
and the vinegar pie too!

Earlier last week I had made (and ate them all) the version with condensed milk - slightly different but just as yummy.

Only a can of condensed milk + 1/2 cup lemon juice. I rather liked it because there is no cooking - zap it with your stick blender... done!
Gads Princess - I just read that whole thread, grinning all the way.

Gonna have to try the lime and the grapefruit - WOW!
and the vinegar pie too!

Earlier last week I had made (and ate them all) the version with condensed milk - slightly different but just as yummy.

Only a can of condensed milk + 1/2 cup lemon juice. I rather liked it because there is no cooking - zap it with your stick blender... done!

Is that the whole recipe? :ohmy: :yum:
Only a can of condensed milk + 1/2 cup lemon juice. I rather liked it because there is no cooking - zap it with your stick blender... done!

Is that the whole recipe? :ohmy: :yum:

yup - that's the whole recipe! I had baked some little graham cracker tartlette sized shells earlier, (store bought) so filled those 6 and gobbled down the rest.

Anna Olson Bakes

While looking for another show on my PVR, sure enuf, there's an episode on Lemon Curd. Anna shows 3 different techniques for making the curd - British classic, French classic and of course American Lemon Meringue Pie, plus a bonus with Ice Cream.

Each curd was actually a slightly different recipe. Now I've forgotten the other show I was originally looking for.
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