White eggs or brown eggs

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There is absolutely no difference between white and brown eggs apart from their colour. White eggs are laid by one breed of hen, brown eggs are laid by a different breed.
White eggs have never been popular in the UK, and I think they feed the battery hens something to enure that all of their eggs are brown. Frankly, there is no difference - shell colour has nothing to do with flavour.
Andy M. said:
"Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh!":-p

This is a tongue in cheek comment. It's the ad slogan of the local companies that sell brown eggs.

As stated above, the difference is simply in the breed of the chicken doing the laying.
Andy M. said:
"Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh!":-p
You took the words right out of my mouth Andy :)

I had actually wondered if this ad campaign was just local or if other states had the same one.
Michelemarie said:
Is there a price difference between white and brown eggs?

I try to do things for logical reasons. Price is a logical reason.

However, I have no idea what the price difference is between white and brown eggs. I buy them because that's what my mother bought.:ohmy:
Ok, Kelly - you want an emotional, sentimental response? I buy brown eggs because they remind me of the wonderful summers I spent on grandma/grandad's farm, where all they had were brown-egg layin' chickens!

Oh - and because some of the goofy, 'exotic' chickens we had on the commune laid brown eggs - and some of 'em laid really pretty robin's egg blue ones!
I have a combo of brown and blue eggs in my fridge right now. These are very very rich eggs, but they are organic, local and free range.
Andy, have not heard that tune re brown eggs since we lived in New England.

There, I believe, the most common breed was Rhode Island Reds, and they lay brown eggs. And so we bought brown eggs.

Have noticed a difference in price here and there, but it makes no sense.

At least to us they taste the same.

Now we are in a white egg area so buy those.
I buy whatever I grab, but have noticed that brown eggshells are easier to pick out of your batter if you happen to mess up. LOL.
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