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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
JEOPARDY- The Pacific
1. ($200)- It's the Pacific island that's home to the world's largest volcano...
2. ($600)- The first of these thermonuclear bombs was detonated on the Pacific's Eniwetok Atoll in 1951...
3. ($1000)- This island near Chile is thought to be the farthest east that Asians were able to settle in the Pacific...
Double JEOPARDY- around the Kitchen
4.($400)- The first automatic one of these was patented by Charles Strite in 1921; pop-up was added in 1925...
5. ($1200)- The Gibson Company added the interior light to this kitchen staple....
6. ($2000)- It took over thirty years from it's introduction for this appliance to be in over 50% of homes.......
Final JEOPARDY- Holidays
7. In the USA, Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May and Fathers Day is this...
1. what is Hawaii ?
2. what is the Hydrogen Bomb ?
(acceptable: H-Bomb)
3. what is Easter Island ?
4. what is a toaster ?
5. what is the refrigerator ?
6. what is the microwave oven ?
7. what is the third Sunday in June ?

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