Sunday Special - Foodie Words A to ......

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special - Foodie Words A to ......

The chore for the day is to identify each of the following;
As is the drill for “A to...” the answers are Alphabetical................

1. A semifirm Italian cheese with a rich, nutty flavor is mainly used for grating as a substitute for Parmesan. It was traditionally made with sheep's milk.
2. A cooking method where food (usually meat) is first browned in oil, then cooked slowly in a liquid (wine, stock, or water).
3. Known as star fruit, this golden yellow fruit is grown in the West Indies, Indonesia, and Brazil. When sliced, the fruit has a star shape.
4. A thick, intensely flavored, glossy brown sauce that is made by thickening a rich veal or other brown stock, reduced until concentrated.
5. Abbreviation for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, an additive used in some processed foods to eliminate the possibility of rancidity caused by the transfer of trace metals during the manufacturing process.
6. Another name for the Hazelnut...

7. The art of fine dining; the science of gourmet food and drink.
8. Dried white or yellow corn kernels from which the hull and germ have been removed.
9. A technology whereby cookware is heated using magnetic energy. It requires a special smooth ceramic cooktop with special energy coils directly beneath the surface.
When cookware made of a magnetic-based material is placed on this special stovetop, the molecules in the vessel begin to move so rapidly that the pan (not the stovetop) becomes hot.
10. A dry seasoning blend that originated in Jamaica and is used primarily in the preparation of grilled meat.
The blend is generally a combination of chilies, thyme, spices (such as cinnamon, ginger, allspice and cloves), garlic and onions.
11. Short, thick links of precooked beef and/or pork sausage that is well flavored with garlic. It is usually boiled or grilled before serving, often with sauerkraut.

12. Agents that are used to lighten the texture and increase the volume of baked goods such as breads, cakes and cookies. Baking powder, baking soda and yeast are the most common ones used today.
13. Created by the famous French chef Auguste Escoffier , this sauce is a combination of puréed and strained fresh raspberries, red currant jelly, sugar and cornstarch.

14. - 1. A tiny colored-sugar pellet used to decorate cakes, cookies, candy, etc.
2. A confection consisting of a small chocolate disc covered with these colored candy pellets.
15. Along the lines of Hash-Browns and Home- Fries, the dish consists of diced potatoes (sometimes precooked) that are fried with chopped onions and pimientos until the potatoes are crisp and brown. Some variations use sweet red or green peppers instead of pimientos.
16. To dry grains or starchy vegetables like corn, peas and beans by roasting slightly without burning.
17. This yellow-skinned fruit looks and tastes like a cross between an apple and a pear. The hard, yellow-white flesh is quite dry and has an astringent, tart flavor, which makes it better cooked than raw.
18. A traditional southern gravy made by combining the drippings from fried ham (purists insist on country-cured ham only) with water and hot coffee
19. A rendered chicken fat (sometimes flavored with onions, apples and seasonings) that is strained and used in many dishes of Middle European Jewish origin much like butter—both in cooking and as a spread for bread.
20. there are four basic categories of port—Vintage, Ruby, White, and this ......

1. Asiago
2. Braising
3. Carambola
4. Demiglace
6. Filbert
7. Gastronomy
8. Hominy
9. Induction Cooking
10. Jerk Seasoning
11. Knackwurst
12. Leaveners
13. Melba Sauce
14. Nonpareil
15. O’Brian Potatoes
16. Parching
17. Quince
18. Redeye Gravy
19. Schmaltz

Correct in red

1. Asiago
2. Braising

3. Carambola
4. Demiglace
6. Filbert
7. Gastronomy
8. Hominy
9. Induction Cooking
10. Jerk Seasoning
11. Knackwurst
12. Leaveners

13. Melba Sauce
14. Nonpareil
15. O’Brian Potatoes
16. Parching
17. Quince
18. Redeye Gravy
19. Schmaltz

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