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Master Chef
Jan 27, 2011
Being the "lazy", short cut types, the wife and I discovered that a tortilla press does wonders with Dim Sum dough. No more rolling!;)
Being the "lazy", short cut types, the wife and I discovered that a tortilla press does wonders with Dim Sum dough. No more rolling!;)
Not laziness - common sense. No point in having a gadget that just sits in the drawer when you aren't preparing what it was intended for. It's only the manufacturers who want you to buy a tortilla press AND a dim sum press (if one exists.) Good for you for ingenuity.

I find my bread knife ideal for cutting tomatoes and my coffee grinder makes great breadcrumbs. Not going to satisfy Lakeland by buying a special tomato knife and a breadcrumb maker (actually they took the latter of the shelves - it didn't sell. Now I wonder why)
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Not laziness - common sense. No point in having a gadget that just sits in the drawer when you aren't preparing what it was intended for. It's only the manufacturers who want you to buy a tortilla press AND a dim sum press (if one exists.) Good for you for ingenuity.

I find my bread knife ideal for cutting tomatoes and my coffee grinder makes great breadcrumbs. Not going to satisfy Lakeland by buying a special tomato knife and a breadcrumb maker (actually they took the latter of the shelves - it didn't sell. Now I wonder why)

Ya know, any knife will cut tomatoes just fine if it's sharp (my sister used to think she needed a special serrated blade too until she learned how to keep a knife sharp). I use both my 8" and 6" chefs and cut tomatoes paper thin with nary a seed out of place. ;)
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