Preparing ahead question

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
This coming up Sunday kids school is doing annual branch fundraiser. I will be making made to order omelets. My question is, can I cut/dice and sautee the onions, the bell peppers, the mushrooms tomorrow. Branch starts 10:30 Sunday. I will not have any time before to do it. Asking somebody to do it is totally undesirable option.
What do you think?
I don't see why not. When we are going to use roasted or grilled veges for other meals, but not necessarily grill the protein, I have had Craig grill or char the veges when he is using the grill on the weekend for use later in the week and they have always been fine. You might have to drain the mushrooms unless you dry fry them but I think that would be the only thing.

I'd also make up at least part of omelette mix Saturday night, which hopefully you'll have time to do as that shouldn't take long.
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This coming up Sunday kids school is doing annual branch fundraiser. I will be making made to order omelets. My question is, can I cut/dice and sautee the onions, the bell peppers, the mushrooms tomorrow. Branch starts 10:30 Sunday. I will not have any time before to do it. Asking somebody to do it is totally undesirable option.
What do you think?

Certainly. Do all the dicing and slicing you will need to do, then cover securely. When I have to do that, I place a piece of plastic down on the food itself, and then put a lid on the container. The food will remain fresh.
I think you could chop and saute them and then just warm them up as you make the omelettes. The volume of the vegetables will be reduced because they are sauteed, so if you are careful on portioning, I'm sure it will be great.
This coming up Sunday kids school is doing annual branch fundraiser. I will be making made to order omelets. My question is, can I cut/dice and sautee the onions, the bell peppers, the mushrooms tomorrow. Branch starts 10:30 Sunday. I will not have any time before to do it. Asking somebody to do it is totally undesirable option.
What do you think?
No reason why you can't. You could even mix up the eggs. You can do one bucket with just egg whites and the other with the whole egg. Unless you are using an egg substitute. Are you including cheese? If so, that could be grated in advance.
Thank you everybody. That's perfect. I will have eggs open. We usually use about two cases.

Appreciate your advise (advice ?)
Good luck Charlie and have a fun day.

One more suggestion. Using a timer, do a dry run. With a measuring cup for each omelet, time how long it will take you to make one with cooked veggies and one with partially cooked veggies. Also use a measuring cup for the veggies. Go with the quickest method. You want to provide the fastest service.
There are 3 of us cooking. I usually end up making pancakes and latkes. 2 other guys make omelets. They don't listen to me, they have their own ways of cooking. I'm not arguing, I'm just happy they are helping. Both of them don't even have kids in school. It is kind of disgusting that people that do have kids are not willing to help and only complain how expensive everything is. Tell me, is $18 per adult and $10 for kid. All you can eat branch. We have bagels, cream cheese, pancakes, latkes, cheese noodles meant for kids, but adults always take it anyways, made to order omelettes, usually some fruits, some veggies, chocolate coins spread as decorations on tables, drinks, face painter, balloon maker.
What was I talking about? Aha, the omelets, don't want to brag, but people who know, come to me for their omelets.;)
Another question. I'm sautéing onions for the omelette sand I just realized, my mother gave me a huge bag of red onions. I'll never be able to use all of them. Can I use the red onions for omelettes?

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I would use the red onions in the same way as a yellow or white onion, in the omelette. Saute until translucent.
Nothing wrong with red onions in omelets. I too use them just like yellow or white onions. DH brought home a huge bag of them one time, and I just subbed them for what I'd normally use.
My Dad doesn't like red onions for some reason. He does, however, like them when I quick pickle them. The other way he doesn't mind them is if I soak the sliced ones in water first to remove some of the "whatever it is" he doesn't like. Personally, I prefer red onions in a lot of things, including omelets.

Another thing to consider: Do you have enough pans to do the omelets or are you doing them on a flat top? Make sure you have someone who can "swipe out" the omelet pans. A nice touch would be some fresh chopped herbs--tarragon, parsley, basil...and some fresh or pickled jalapenos as an item to be added. I have to have some red pepper flakes or jalapenos in my omelet/scrambled eggs.
We do jalapeños, but not fresh herbs. Because of kashrut it is a pain in the neck to deal with in this situation.
What did you mean by "swipe"?

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We do jalapeños, but not fresh herbs. Because of kashrut it is a pain in the neck to deal with in this situation.
What did you mean by "swipe"?

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Sounds like she means, with a paper towel, (s)wipe out each omelet pan as soon as the food is on the plate. In other words, fast turnover on the pans.
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