HELP! I Left Cooked Sausages Out On The Counter

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
This morning I made us Trader Joe's Garlic and Herb Chicken Sausages for breakfast.
We finished eating about 10-1030am and I started to clean up the dishes, but got waylaid and forgot all about them. :censored:

I discovered them at about 3pm, under the lid in the frypan, still atop the stovetop.
We've been keeping the house fairly cool, I mean not cranking up the heat that is, its about 68⁰F in here all of the time. When I went to put them into a container (cursing under my breath all the time), they felt very cool to the touch (I forgot to maybe take their temp, dang it).

So, my question to the group is, should I throw them out or do y'all think they're okay to eat?

*Note:I thought about feeding them ONLY to DH to see what kind of reaction we get, but... that's not nice now is it? :devilish::whistling:mrgreen:
You should be okay, since they were cooked. Raw, they gotta' go. Just be sure you bring them back up to 160F internal temperature before eating.

If you are still nervous about eating them, feed them to a dog. Dogs can eat things humans can't, without getting sick. That way, you aren't wasting food.

doggies giggles.jpg
I know people get the heebie-jeebies about this kind of stuff, but honestly, I can't count the number of times I've thumbed my nose at fate and survived to tell the tale. As we speak, there are two meals in my fridge I put together to take to work for lunch that are about a week old. I know one of those meals I'll take to the office with me tomorrow.

If it were me, I wouldn't hesitate to put them away and enjoy them later. Maybe I just like to live a little dangerously.

But it isn't me. It's you. And you got to do what YOU feel comfortable with. ;)
When I think back to my college days, and think about things I ate at 2AM on a Saturday morning, I'm surprised I didn't get food poisoning until my thirties... in Las Vegas... breakfast buffet on The Strip. THAT breakfast sausage looked a little pink inside, but I ate it anyway. Bad decision.

When we were kids we got lunches in a lunch box or brown paper bag and they sat around in the heat until lunch time and we were fine.
When we were kids we got lunches in a lunch box or brown paper bag and they sat around in the heat until lunch time and we were fine.

So true Taxi, and there wasn't even a cafeteria where I went to school so everyone brought their lunch without a fancy keep cool container. What was that? The "cloak room" got pretty stinky on warm days.
So true Taxi, and there wasn't even a cafeteria where I went to school so everyone brought their lunch without a fancy keep cool container. What was that? The "cloak room" got pretty stinky on warm days.

I did the brown bag lunch until High School, where we could leave campus for lunch. Before I got a car, I rode with older friends to get lunch. Once I got a car, I drove my friends to lunch.

One of the best places to get an awesome po-boy was Amuny's Liquor Store. Yes, we bought lunch at a liquor store. :ohmy: :LOL:

They didn't sell us liquor, but in Port Arthur in the 70s, nobody had any issues with teenagers buying sandwiches in a liquor store. Times have changed, for sure.

Yeah, this is way off-topic. But, I thought it might be interesting for some.

The school that I went to from kindergarten through 12 grade,
we were feed a snack in the morning of milk and some sort of goodies,
and a full hot lunch, again with milk... good for your bones!
We were not allowed and soda pop or sugary juice drinks.
We came out just fine... but I digress...
While science behind ServSafe is interesting, I see people eat food every weekend that would be considered higjly dangerous if you follow its rules strictly.

We have food catered at my job all the time that sits out for hours outside of the safe temperature zone, and no one has ever gotten sick. Not in the 30 years I've worked there. (I asked a buddy who is the head of security once out of curiosity).

As far as your sausages, K-girl, I think it depends on if you know of you have a weak or strong stomach.

If you find you get an upset stomach often, feel bloated a lot (from food), or think you might be sensitive, chuck it. Like a few have said, it's not worth it.

But if you don't often feel like I mentioned, go for it. They were cooked, weren't out too long, and probably have a decent amount of salt and/or preservatives in them.
If the sausages were for me and my DH, I would use them. I wouldn't serve them to someone else. My thinking is similar to BT's about how strong is your immune system and your digestive system. I know that for me and DH, but not for guests.
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