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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      jennyema : only 68 ? this morning we had some business to take care of in Loveland CO. 200 miles each way and snowing every inch of it...
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      grumpyoldman reacted to jennyema's post in the thread Pulled Pork with Like Like.
      Grumpy, are you only 68? That’s not an old man at all! I’ll be 67 in 3 weeks…. How did that happen? Keep asking questions here and...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      1st off , there is no such thing as "to much meat "haha people fall into 6 groups when it come to ribs (1) sauce or (2) no sauce...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      CD: you said that i seem to have a lot of rules for cooking and eating , i suppose that's true i do , but then i suppose we all do...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      CD: i don't have anything against St. Louis cut spare ribs except the cost , like i 1st said its really none of my business but if i...
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      this was tonight's supper, griddle nice and hot , 8-9 minutes then flip for 5 minutes
      • T-bone3.jpg
      • T-bone1.jpg
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread pot roast is in the oven.
      yes my smoker is vertical
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      hey i'm an old man, sometimes i even get my left and right mixed up now a days
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread pot roast is in the oven.
      the grease drain clogged and allowed the grease to build up directly over the heat source until it reached the flash point it melted the...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      yes it is , but they are 2 different parts, the pork shoulder is the upper part the Boston butt is the lower part
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread pot roast is in the oven.
      my son has one of those smokers that he can set up and watch the meat temp on his smart phone ......not me ooooh no !! i'll never be...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      something else just crossed my mind , you might have used a pork shoulder instead of a Boston Butt for your PP, big difference in the...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      that was kinda what i thought when i read what your loss was , its none of my business but i think you smoked/cooked it to long , i have...
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      remind us again, what was the total cooking time on that ?
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      grumpyoldman replied to the thread Pulled Pork.
      St. Louis cut ribs come from the same slab as spare ribs , its just the center 5 ribs from the spare ribs that are nice and uniform with...
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