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  1. G

    Is canned food from the Orient risky?

    Yes safety health. What would be another concern?
  2. G

    Is canned food from the Orient risky?

    Thanks for the in depth information. Things i hadn't thought of.
  3. G

    Is canned food from the Orient risky?

    don't know how strict their laws are about safety.
  4. G

    Tell me about Lefse

  5. G

    Tell me about Lefse

    I can't remember the last time I had a but I doremember that it was good. I don't plan on making Lefse but would like to know what to put on it.
  6. G

    Quitting Pho

    Thanks for the advice. I will do that.
  7. G

    Quitting Pho

    too complicated! Leave it to the people who grew up making Pho.
  8. G

    Are broth cubes as good as store-bought liquid broth?

    I am gearing up to make Pho. How much BTB do you use to equal a cube?
  9. G

    Are broth cubes as good as store-bought liquid broth?

    its the convenience of the cubes that are nice. But as far as taste i don't know
  10. G

    Anyone use broth for soup?

    What BTB?
  11. G

    Anyone use broth for soup?

    Thanks for the recipe but what do I do after everything is in the bowl? Boil it? How long?⁰
  12. G

    Anyone use broth for soup?

  13. G

    When vegetables get slimy are they done

    or do wash the slime off and use?
  14. G

    When to use oyster sauce

    is oyster sauce one of those items that you can add to almost any dish
  15. G

    Any authentic energy bars?

    I am sick of buying energy bars only to find out they are glorified candy bars. Any healthy energy bars out there?
  16. G

    Should bread be frozen or refrigerated

  17. G

    Do you send your good chef knives to professionals to sharpen them?

    a fisherman's filet knife is as sharp as a razor
  18. G

    Microwave vs oven

    I noticed that many frozen foods give instructions for a microwave but not oven. My problem i don't have a microwave. Is there some rule of the thumb that one can use an oven while adjusting the oven temperature to the temperature called for on the microwave instructions?
  19. G

    What is your favorite tv dinners

    granted, they won't be as good as home cooking but maybe some will come close.
  20. G

    Do vegetables still retain their fibrous quality after being ground into a smoothie?

    for instance celery when eaten raw really helps draw food through the digestive system.(easy poo) Does it still have that quality when ground into a smoothie?
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