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    Peeling peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes. Whats everybody's stance?

    Personally I've never had an issue when cooking with unpeeled tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers when cooking. I think it's rare that i even remove the skin when making mashed potatoes now, and i don't think I have ever removed kin from peppers and tomatoes when making sauces. There's good...
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    Anybody got a good blondie recipe

    My bad, to clarify the cheesecake spread is a nobake one. The blondes would br baked.
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    Anybody got a good blondie recipe

    I want to make a good dessert for my family christmas party. I originally thought about doing a banana bread sheetcake with two layers spread on top. The first one being melted peanut butter, then the top layer being a no bake chocolate cheesecake spread which I believe will include: - 2 blocks...
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    Sharing my favorite recipe I've ever made

    I'll try to take a photo if I remember to prove it's realness.
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    Sharing my favorite recipe I've ever made

    ah ok. So some of this stuff comes down to the makers preference. For example the heavy cream you can decide for yourself how much you want. I wait for the Stew to reduce down a bit before adding it at the end, I'd say probably 1 pint at the most after reducing it down more than just a pint. For...
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    Sharing my favorite recipe I've ever made

    what parts are you referring to? The stew contents part? I guess i just never bothered adding it but it would basically be 2 of those beef round roast either top or bottom that you would buy at a supermarket. Thats usually what I use. Then the peppers it varies on the size but I would probably...
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    What methods and ratios are there along with time temp recommendations for different types of cookies?

    sure the choc chip ones i made started from this cookie base recipe i found online. - 1.5 cups of ap flour - 1/2 cup of unsalted butter - 1/2 tsp baking soda - 1/4 cup sugar - 1/2 cup brown sugar - 1 egg - probably like 1/2 to 1 tsp of salt honestly cant remember then i added chocolate chip...
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    Sharing my favorite recipe I've ever made

    The sauce is similar to the pork n beans recipe I posted about but this is the recipe it originally came from. I've posted about this before on reddit but got no replies and honestly I like this place a whole lot more and wanted to share this with you all because of how much I like it. I also...
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    What methods and ratios are there along with time temp recommendations for different types of cookies?

    I've never been good with making cookies and was wondering what types of ratios are best for different types of cookies i.e crispy and crunchy or soft and chewy and any other ones. Also what time and temps are best for each one?
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    The pork n beans weren't too bad.

    Go for it lmk how it turns out. I like people trying my food.
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    The pork n beans weren't too bad.

    I made a post on here asking for opinions on my pork n beans recipe. Heres the update, it was pretty good however I forgot to add my secret ingredient to my tomato sauce which was the sundried tomatoes so i bet it would probably taste better if I did. Also the bacon was not a bad ratio compared...
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    Cookie recipe with boiled peanuts?

    sorry i keep referring to the cookie dough as a "batter". I was planning on adding peanut butter to the dough just also adding boiled peanuts as well.
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    Cookie recipe with boiled peanuts?

    I've never made boiled peanuts but the idea came to me idk why but it did. I was thinking for the peanuts using raw, shelled, and unsalted ones then boiling them in a simple mixture of water, sugar, and vanilla extract. and mixing them in with the cookie batter or something else.
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    Cookie recipe with boiled peanuts?

    I was thinking about making peanut butter cookies and putting sweet boiled peanuts in it? Would that be a good idea? I was thinking it would give an interesting taste and maybe feel. What do you all think?
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    Pork n Beans Recipe Review

    If I could defend the onions they are going to shrink a lot since they are going to be caramelized. Also I have a typo in the ingredients. It's 35oz not 32oz.
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    Pork n Beans Recipe Review

    I never thought about it for content proportioning but I guess you got a point. I just want to have my pork n beans actually contain chunks of pork unlike the commercially made ones that either don't or have some small little piece put in. I can always double the amount of canned beans to 4 cans...
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    Pork n Beans Recipe Review

    They just taste gelatinous and good to me. For me at least there easy to get since I work at a grocery store and can buy a whole case of them from the meat manager if I want.
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    Pork n Beans Recipe Review

    I don't have much experience making pork n beans since most of the time I've just opened a can of it and threw it in the microwave or the stove when adding bacon or salt pork and cow feet. I would probably just go the stove top method but I'd be open to trying the oven if there's a good reason...
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    Pork n Beans Recipe Review

    I was curious if this recipe I wanted to make would be any good. I used the sauce from my Beef Pepper Stew recipe and tweaked it a bit. Also if anyone asks the reason why I have cows feets as an optional part to eat is because I just like them they taste good to me thats all. Anyway heres the...
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