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  1. Gridzheh9

    Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

    My Main reason for not using Vodka in my recipe is that 24 years ago I self medicated a severe mental illness with alcohol. I have been on proper medication since October of 2000 remaining sober from alcohol. I don't feel at risk of relapsing but to me it still has a stigma attached. The store...
  2. Gridzheh9

    Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

    The one that has alcohol was slightly better but the one without is so close to being just as good that I don't think it was worth the trouble to put alcohol in my opinion.
  3. Gridzheh9

    Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

    I really need a stick blender!
  4. Gridzheh9

    Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

    There is a liquor store on my street. I tried the vodka sauce from my local grocery store and liked it. The main reason I did not use any when I made this recipe was it was cold and rainy and I don't drive and did not want to have to walk down the street in the rain to get vodka. Also, I don't...
  5. Gridzheh9

    Simplified Vodka-Less Spaghetti in Meat Sauce

    This recipe makes two large or four small servings The traditional recipe calls for ¼ cup of Vodka which I leave out and is usually blended which I do not do. I use spaghetti noodles but you can use any pasta you like. Also the meat is optional and can be left out as it is cooked separately...
  6. Gridzheh9

    Whole Boneless Prime Rib Low-and Slow Cook Time

    I have cooked 3 prime rib roasts many years ago for my brother who got them every year from his company. The first two I cooked them at 300F for 35 minutes a pound and they came out perfect. The third one I used a meat thermometer and cooked it longer than 35 min per pound because it was not up...
  7. Gridzheh9

    Hello From Tracy. Home Cook for Low Sodium Spouse

    My wife also says that things taste to salty. Like canned tomatoes. But the no salt canned tomatoes taste too sweet as they replace the salt with sugar.
  8. Gridzheh9

    Un-Stuffed Cabbage Curry with Rice

    I forgot to say the recipe serves 4 people a large bowl.
  9. Gridzheh9

    Un-Stuffed Cabbage Curry with Rice

    This is a simplified recipe with ingredients similar to stuffed cabbage however it is cooked like a rice dish and has a tomatillo sauce. The main dish has Madras Curry powder in it. Ingredients For the sauce: 1/4 cup salted butter 1/2 yellow onion fine diced 1/2 bell pepper fine diced no...
  10. Gridzheh9

    Fish Soup

    I bet the Mediterranean versions are good. This was just the standard Eastern European chicken soup recipe with no parsnips but switch the chicken for fish filets and add the Asian dark soy sauce and oyster sauce. My friend gave me some steelhead trout filets and that is what I used. I generally...
  11. Gridzheh9

    Fish Soup

    Fish Soup This is a very good soup that is made with any type of fish filet. It is best if the filets have skin on them. The soup is made with the usual soup vegetables and makes four 2 cup/500 mL servings or eight 1 cup/250 mL servings. Ingredients 1 Pound/450 Grams of Fish Filets with Skin 1...
  12. Gridzheh9

    Daikon Stew

    I don't put any salt in the food I cook at home so I am not real familiar with how much salt is too much. I just put in an estimate in my recipes and in fact usually just put "Salt to Taste." As far as my YouTube channel I have had the channel for 15 years and nobody ever paid much attention to...
  13. Gridzheh9

    Daikon Stew

    I am not the best photographer and suffer from poor lighting.
  14. Gridzheh9

    Daikon Stew

    I am sure it really does not matter but for some reason I hate stopping something that is already cooking by adding something cold to it. Also, I can start timing the cooking process right away without having to wait for it to start boiling again. I am sure it does not change the taste in any...
  15. Gridzheh9

    Daikon Stew

    That was me trying to explain that you need to drain the fat off of the 80/20 ground beef after it has cooked a while. And as for the bowls, I cut the vegetables before hand and put them in plastic tubs so I can add them to the dish when the time comes. I understand your concern with dirtying...
  16. Gridzheh9

    Daikon Stew

    Actually, I make my own Chicken and Beef Bone Broth in bulk and freeze it in 2 cup portions. That step is in there because I have to thaw the broth I make but basically I just wanted to get the broth pre-heated so that you are not adding cold broth to the pot.
  17. Gridzheh9

    Hello From Tracy. Home Cook for Low Sodium Spouse

    Glad to be here, thanks.
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