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  1. barriehie

    Today's Funny

  2. barriehie

    Hello all!

    Thank you all very much! Yes, loves chili's. 👍 I always end up with lots of chili's. Eat as many as I can the rest get frozen or give away to those that can't have a garden.
  3. barriehie

    Hello all!

    Only had a few plants this year but next year it's going from 100 square feet to a tad over 700. A daily pick...
  4. barriehie

    Hello all!

    Thank you Linda. It's an ever expanding project.
  5. barriehie

    Hello all!

    Thank you Kathleen! 👍
  6. barriehie

    Hello all!

    Thank you !
  7. barriehie

    Hello all!

    Hi there! Just this year because semi-retired which leaves a lot more time for meals and prep. Had a garden this year with a few tomatoes, chili's, squash and watermelons so I can go with a more "I picked this" approach with my food! Looking forward to increasing my skill set and sharing what...
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