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  1. W

    Chips Ahoy! Baked Bites Blondies Review...

    Tried the chocolate Chip cookies once. After a little while, I could not drink enough water.
  2. W

    Whatever happened to 'normal' sized croutons?

    Since the days of the, Super Size begain.
  3. W

    Is it really necessary to wash fruits or vegetables with detergent?

    Y'll can do what you want to. As for me, I, am washing my fruit. With so much being imported. One does not know, what is on the food you eat.
  4. W

    To apron or not to apron?

    I, tried to were a apron. I, end up taking it off, because it get to hot wearing it.
  5. W


    Never heard about a butter bell. going to have to look into one
  6. W


    Not sure where to put this. I, like uesing butter. I, keep it in a closed cotainer with a lid. I, am relutant to keep it on the counter, so it is soft, when, I want to use it. Hoe do you keep your butter. Thanks for the help
  7. W

    Whatever happened to 'normal' sized croutons?

    Croutons - little stones as ,I call them. They have become bigger and harder. I, do not eat them, Do not want to break a tooth.
  8. W

    Prices of Grills?

    I, have a Sears Kenmore clam shell gas girl , I have had for 25 years. I , replace the burners in it about every five years. Cooks as good as the day, I bought it.
  9. W

    Stir Fry Sauce

    Thank You, for your help.
  10. W

    What type pan do you use the most?

    Been uesing cast iron and SS, for many years, For thoese of you that use non stick cook were, Google, Dark Waters. To me it is the Erin Brockivitch of the east.
  11. W

    Stir Fry Sauce

    Hello, I am new here. Does any one have a recipe for stir fry sauce. The sauce in the store is tearable. Looked on line, tried a few, not to my likeing. If any one has a recipe, and would like to share it. It would be greatfuly appreactated. Thank You
  12. W

    Hello, new on here

    I, do all my own cooking. Looking forward to disscuss cooking.
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