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  1. E

    How to Make a Smoothie

    I'm not too good at making smoothies, even though I tried really hard to memorize recipes last time. When I made a smoothie, I followed Goody's recipes and guidelines for their food products and ingredients, and it was a great experience. All of my family members liked the smoothie I made.
  2. E

    Sun Chips made with Black Bean Southwestern Queso review...

    I completely agreed with you Linda over the time, not only Sun Chips but other brands also decrease the quality and quantity of the products and still increasing the price which is not acceptable.
  3. E

    Hey everyone!

    Thanks folks for such an warm welcome. thanks to all of you have a good day!!
  4. E

    Hey everyone!

    hey! my name is Erica and I'm Middle East, Saudi Arabia, actually I recently moved there cause of my work..
  5. E

    Foods of the World (Time-Life series)

    Thanks for the response mate!
  6. E

    Foods of the World (Time-Life series)

    Did you find any Arabic or middle east recipes in this book? or it is a complete associate with a western food recipe?
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