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  1. J

    Carbon steel wok , keep having to re-season

    Thanks Andy I am going to try that. Do you recommend any particular oil ? would vegetable or sunflower work ? I assume I should put on a very high heat 225 - 250 CC Thanks
  2. J

    Carbon steel wok , keep having to re-season

    Hi thanks for that reply. Unfortunately My wok has a non removable wooden handle so I can't use the oven method. Can I achieve the same result with a camping gas stove ? J
  3. J

    Carbon steel wok , keep having to re-season

    Hi , Just thought I would try asking here if anyone has experience using a carbon steel wok ?, one of those woks that you have to season with a layer of burned on oil before you use it. The thing is I hopr that have seasoned it correctly watching you tube videos so that it is gunmetal...
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