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    Fire pit / Grill

    Lookin GOOD! If she's a real P.I.T.A. you could complete the circle, add a pond liner and turn it into a nice dunk tank for charity!! Love to see it fired up! -YB
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    Wolfe Rubs are coming back

    ...and that sample needs to at least 2 pounds 'cause I won't fire up my trailer pit unless it's got a full load. :roll:
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    Pear wood

    I like a mix of pear and hickory for pork.
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    There is this smoker on my porch

    Just to be a pain in the a$$, while you're at it figure out what size trash bag it'll take. They make a neat trash can for the grilling area! :sad: The elements in those have a tendency to burn out and cost more to replace than it would to buy a new one! On the other hand, I hope it works...
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    Hello from TEXAS

    Jimmy, I'm glad to hear from you!! Hope everything went as planned. A major relocation can be a bear. Hope we can cross paths again in the not too distant future. -Rob
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    Anyone want to buy a tank?

    WTF? :o I bet being inside is like being in a trash can, with 3 guy's beating' it with ball bats! Sneak up 'n drop an ash can in there and you'll find out just how "plush" it is! "Nail two things together that have never been nailed together before, and some idiot will buy it!"...
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    Pear wood

    I like it. It's a bit milder than apple. You can use the flowering types as well. Around here bradford is REAL easy to come by. They almost commit suicide in a windstorm!
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    We're baaaaaack!

    That's better than where it was before! :o Now you can buy your pants off the rack!! :sad:
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    new website in Canada

    If there are enough numbers to the left of the decimal you can call ME Brucie!!! :o :sad: -YB
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    WSM & E Z Que Rotisserie

    Prison Shoes!!!!!! :o Feel good too! :razz:
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    Is she a choke???

    At least she had the courage to bow out and let the alternate have a shot, instead of stinkin' up the place with half assed attempts. -YB
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    New Toy ... ermometers There ya go! -YB
  13. Y

    Somebody emailed this to me...anyone know about it?

    What piqued my "alarm mode" was this. "Some Of The Locations And Dates Are Only There For Space Fill-in At This Time." What the heck does that mean?? ...I've padded my responses to seem more legitimate?? -YB
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    I think he either needs a new keyboard or he's typing with the monitor off! :grin: Glad to hear you'll enjoy your new gifts. That thermo should you make your great briskets even more consistantly. -YB
  15. Y

    A $430 WSM? what the heck is this?

    =D> #-o =D> #-o :razz:
  16. Y

    A $430 WSM? what the heck is this?

    Same guy wants $45.99 for a Smokey Joe Silver :o but only $115.99 for a On Touch Gold!!
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    I'm so sorry to hear that. Be sure to save the letter. It will become something you cherish. -YB
  18. Y

    Knife sharpener

    You go in wearing that hat and smelling like your pit they're gonna follow you around anyway. [-X
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    Knife sharpener

    Glenn, do they do it there in store or send them out? -Rob
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    BOO! :o
  21. Y

    6 whole Beef Tenderloins...

    Wow, Glenn!! Sorry I missed this post 'til now. Would have offered to be in the background to lend a hand. Kinda hard turning the house into a restaurant at the last minute without the boss (Queen) noticing. We're all our own worst critic. (and you're a tuff one). I'm sure everyone was...
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    Charcoal Baskets

    If it'll fit a NB Hondo/BAlck Diamond I'll take a couple as well!! Maybe more. Several friends have these or the Brinkmann/Charbroil versions as well. $$$??? -YB
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    Go to your local butcher/grocers meat dept. Ask. Odds are, they are using Forschners. I have many differing brands in my collection (60+) Across the board Forschners are the best bang for the buck. Stamped steel done RIGHT. For most tasks this all you'll ever need. For anything heavier...
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