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  1. S

    Need a new grill

    Find a used Weber on Craigslist and refurbish it. Foolish people practically give them away, quick check in my area revealed a stainless 3 burner with a tank for $55 and a classic 3 burner with a tank for $25. Keep in mind used tanks have a $40 value. Put $150 in on new burners and grates and...
  2. S

    Grilled Chicken Quarters and Quinoa dinner

    Quinoa is going to explode soon. Like most grains it takes on the flavor of it's cooking liquid, so is very versatile. It's one of the only grains that is a "complete" protein meaning it has all of the amino acids and is lower on the glycemic than oatmeal. It's truly a super grain and a staple...
  3. S

    Clean thermometer..??

    Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work very well. If you've never tried them they work very well on cleaning surfaces all over the house.
  4. S

    Old Bay BBQ Sauced Wings

    Those look outstanding!! How big is your Smokey Joe? No way I could get that many wings on mine. How long did they cook before you sauced 'em??
  5. S

    Is "barbecueing" a verb or a noun?

    Down here in NC barbecue is only a noun and it's always smoked whole hog or shoulders. No such thing as "pulled pork", it just barbecue. Ribs are ribs and brisket is brisket. I spent a summer in Colorado and was invited for "barbecue". When I got there they had hot dogs and hamburgers and I...
  6. S

    Prime Beef @ Harris Teeter

    Just saw that Harris Teeter here in Raleigh is carrying prime cryovaced(sp?) NY Strips. Has anyone tried them? At around $10 a pound they are pricey but I have an itchin' to buy a couple.
  7. S

    Best gas grill for under $250???

    I'd buy a used 3 burner Weber off Craigslist and rehab it with new burner, flavor bars and grates. You could do that for less than $200.
  8. S

    Reheating Pulled Pork

    If you want to thaw it first, and this works with any frozen meat, put it in a bowl of cold water and trickle cold water into the bowl. Something with the thermodynamics of cold water makes it thaw faster.
  9. S

    4th of july bbq pics

    That right there is what the 4th is all about. Great Job!!!!
  10. S

    20lb bags of 100% Natural Charcoal for $2.99 at Home Depot

    Just picked up 10 bags in Raleigh and they have a ton more. The normal selling price is $5, which isn't too shabby for 20lbs.
  11. S

    I've been doing it all wrong. Pit for sale!

    I don't know what McRib is... :D
  12. S

    I've been doing it all wrong. Pit for sale!

    McRib called; he wants his recipe back
  13. S

    I've been doing it all wrong. Pit for sale!

    You should see the guy who is cutting the ribs powerlifting video. It's almost as good as the rib video :D
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