meat therm.
when I check the temp. of the meat should I check every hour or so in the fatest part of the meat or should I get the meat therm. in the entire smoking period.
that sounds great. I will try that this weekend. I went online and did some research about smoking a butt or shoulder and I came across this website that was all about bbq and smoking. I e-mailed him and basically asked him the same thing I asked you and this is what he had to say...
I have the type of smoker that has the big barrell to put the meat on and a little barrell attached to put the charcoal or wood in. I used charcoal with hickory wood chips. The shoulder was about 5-7 lbs. Next time I try it I will leave it on longer but I do not want to dry it out or I might...
I have a question for you. yesterday I smoked a pork shoulder for about 9 hrs at 175-275 with charcoal. It turned out very good but it did not fall off the bone when I took it off. I have family coming in this weekend and would love to use the smoker but I need some advise. How can I make my...