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  1. G

    Rainy Day Ribs

    Hey Lew great color on those bones! Down here is San Diego I cant get the Subbs till March, Lowe's considers it a seasonal product so I have searching high and low for something else.
  2. G

    Kurobuta (Birkshire) Pork Butt

    Cant wait for some more pics, looks great already!
  3. G

    Beef & Pork Back Ribs 4 a Wednesday Dinner

    Great looking spread and real nice smoke ring on those ribs.
  4. G

    Dirty Bird w/ Sweet Potato Fries & Salad

    Love the cook and its always better to cook those breast with the bone on!
  5. G

    Spare ribs and Moinks tonight

    Great color on those moink balls and ribs!
  6. G

    My first Rib-O-Lator ribs!

    Great color on those ribs!
  7. G

    Ribs and abt's/large images beware/lots of pics

    Thanks guys that was my first time posting but not my last!
  8. G

    Ribs and abt's/large images beware/lots of pics

    Well looks like I made a mistake with the posting, any help would be great. :oops:
  9. G

    Ribs and abt's/large images beware/lots of pics

    Had the family over on Sunday and made some abt's with some baby back and beef ribs. Starting the abt's
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