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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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  1. Where we live...

    Where we live...

    Post pictures from around your home to let others see your perspective...
  2. Member's Photos

    Member's Photos

  3. kimbaby


    congratz to you :)
  4. kimbaby

    What's the last movie you watched?

    heartbreak kid and it was hilirious
  5. kimbaby

    Double Letter Game

  6. kimbaby

    A game we all can play!

    cruise Bahamas or Hawaii
  7. kimbaby

    Food game!

  8. kimbaby

    Word Association Game

  9. kimbaby

    What is your weather like right now?

    windy here and chilly
  10. kimbaby

    Beef 'n Noodles

    I love this AND i TOO make it a little different but it is awesome...
  11. kimbaby

    Can I have my user name changed?

    thanks but I changed my
  12. kimbaby

    Been gone for awhile

    lol well I wasn't off having a baby but I am expecting again 6 weeks along...:lol: its great to be back missed you all
  13. kimbaby

    Can I have my user name changed?

    please let me know thanks:chef:
  14. kimbaby

    Mayo or Miracle Whip?

    mayo for me please...
  15. kimbaby

    Been gone for awhile

    stopping in to say hello... does any one remember me?
  16. kimbaby

    Grilled Sea Scallops, Shrimp and Ratatouille

  17. kimbaby

    Happy Birthday, pdswife!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope you have a wonderful one!
  18. kimbaby


    I have not recieved one in forever... I would like a copy if possible :)
  19. kimbaby

    Dinner, Saturday, April 7th?

    Hamburgers and hotdogs my Leo turned 2 Wed. so we are having his party today :)
  20. kimbaby

    Need help Stir Frying Veggies!

    yep like Alix said a good hot wok is key, and I use soy sauce to flavor my stir fry...
  21. kimbaby

    Favorite DC recipes of all time

    I love allot of recipes that I have seen, I hope there are more to come... Thanks everyone for making D.C. SO great!!!! ;)
  22. kimbaby

    Is there a problem?

    I have seen it but it redirects me to the portal???? weird
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