11 months till Xmas Day - what was your supper tonight?

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I had steak with Dijon blue cheese sauce and a small salad. It was pretty good, but the steak was as tough as shoe leather even though it was medium rare, which is how I like steak. It was a manager's special, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it. But there was plenty of sauce left over, so I'm having that over a chicken breast tomorrow.

So just trying to get that steak onto the plate was fun. It sort of slid onto the plate there, as you can tell.
I had a one pot meal. I stir fried some onion with some green masala curry paste, then added cut up pieces of chicken breast. There was carrot, green beans, and corn kernels from the freezer, and some yogourt. Finally, I added some wilted lettuce. I was looking in my fridge for a leafy green and a bunch of wilted lettuce was found. I had it over brown basmati rice. I enjoyed that. Stir fried veggies with chicken, yogourt, and green masala curry paste on brown basmati rice2.jpg
cheese bacon spinach & a touch of onion....
interesting 'happy change' - made this before, following the recipe I chopped the (fresh) spinach prior to steaming. it + bacon 'settled' to the bottom....
this time I did not chop the spinach prior to steaming - much happier with the 'distribution' of the goodies . . .

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