2025 Edition - What are you baking?

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Today I made a loaf of WW/rye bread, which I thought about when I started refreshing some old, firm sourdough starter - something that is refreshed with 10 g old started, 25 g filtered water, and 45 g bread flour. After the first 12 hr rise, it is repeated twice, and it's pretty much back to normal, and takes only 4-5 hrs to double. I throw away much of the first, old starter, and only use 10 g, but I hate throwing away the later refreshers, and this I put in for the rye bread, even though it wasn't going to rise long enough to sour or rise much - the Instant Yeast was used in this. It was mostly WW flour, a cup of rye, and that small amount of bread flour, in those two refreshments from the sourdough.
A 29 oz loaf of whole wheat/rye bread, using up the leftover firm sourdough starter, from re-starting it. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
That looks amazing, Pepper.

Like you, I hate to waste edible things. I believe I posted this elsewhere, but I got this cookbook (as a kindle deal for free one day.) It has many recipes and ideas to use the discard from sourdough and, with Frank starting his starter again, I cannot wait to try one of them. The price has jumped to $3.99 USD for the kindle version.
It is still free in Canada but it puts me in a loop every time I try. I'm obviously doing something wrong or missing a link somewhere (in my brain perhaps?) Drives me nuts!
Thiink I'll probably end up buying it. $5.xx Cdn.

It doesn't count as buying a book if it is on my Kindle, eh?
We sometimes refer to the innards of a food that has an outside, as "the guts". I made a Danish dish that is just chopped up bacon and onions that are fried together. It is served on mashed potatoes. A friend of mine said, "Vareniki (pierogi) guts, yum".
Yep, crustless pumpkin pie. I use all the spices, eggs and the rest of the recipe and bake according to directions. Not a big fan of pie crust!
Yep, crustless pumpkin pie. I use all the spices, eggs and the rest of the recipe and bake according to directions. Not a big fan of pie crust!
Did you use ramekins or custard cups?
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Just took a batch of corn muffins out of the oven.

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