2025 Edition - What's your weather right now?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
It's 23℉ feels like 10℉ at the moment. It snowed for a short time this morning. But nothing stuck, just looked nice while it was coming down.
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I didn't even think about the fact that I was posting on last year's thread! And we've been doing that for almost a week. :rolleyes:

I went out and shoveled the snow, and it wasn't as light and fluffy as they said it would be. Fortunately, I want on the deck, with the blower, to see if it worked, and since it didn't, I took the shovel out, along with the refilled calcium chloride. I also pushed the shovel down my neighbor's walk, since she's gone a few days. It was less than 2", so far, with little more coming - it's brightened up a little, actually, which is a good thing, as it should melt some of that stuff.

UD - Since it pretty much stopped snowing, and brightened up out there, I went back out and brushed all the snow off the car, so it won't turn to ice on it later.
Well, I have to start all over.

Summary: Bitter cold, windy. Two to Five (maybe more) inches of snow on Thursday and Friday.

Carry on.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 072716.png
They are now saying 90% chance of snow, with 2-5 inches, maybe more, depending on how much moisture makes it up here from the Gulf. BTW, that's what is causing the ice storms in the Midwest. Warm, wet air gliding in just above the really cold air. It falls as rain, then turns to ice near or at the ground. But, they are saying the conditions here aren't the same, are much more conducive to snow.

I have my camera batteries charged. I'm ready to get up at the crack of dawn before anyone else is on the road, and go looking for pretty shots. That's how I got this one...


I got it with the help of this...


On the way home, I saw this... a Mercedes and a Lincoln in a ditch...


I would have gladly pulled them out of the ditch, but nobody was in the cars.

This morning it is now up to 21F (-6C). Feels like 10F (-12C). Chilly but not bone shivering. Running out to fetch the eggs (not dressed yet but will put on vest, scarf and gloves. Like taking a cold shower to get you going in the mornings. 😁
The car got dusted with that second, smaller storm, but it is already melted, from the sun, though it is still just below freezing. Still very windy, so I'm glad I didn't put my trash out last night - I wouldn't have wanted to be fetching those lids and cans in this weather! :ohmy:
32F here at 6PM. I don't think it made it to 40F today.

They are now saying we may get some freezing rain before 3-6 inches of snow, putting a layer of ice under the snow. That would change my plans as far as driving very far for pretty pictures. I can easily get moving on ice, but bringing that 4,000 pounds to a stop on ice is another thing entirely. Even worse, is other people, many of them idiots in big 4X4 pickup trucks who think they are omnipotent in any weather, don't understand the physics involved in stopping a 6,000 pound truck on ice.

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It's brrr cold out there in Greater Montreal. It's currently -9°C with wind chill of -17°C. That's 16°F and 1°F respectively. There is also light and drifting snow. I'm not going outside unless something dire happens.
is other people, many of them idiots **** who think they are omnipotent in any weather,
which is why I don't go out unless absolutely necessary. I know I can drive - I just don't trust other drivers - who think they can. Especially the ones who say - Oh I'm good! I've got 4 season tires on.
which is why I don't go out unless absolutely necessary. I know I can drive - I just don't trust other drivers - who think they can. Especially the ones who say - Oh I'm good! I've got 4 season tires on.

I know I can drive, with just two accidents (my fault) in 57 years. I've been hit behind at red lights five times, believe it or not. Not a single on of the not-paying-attention drivers had insurance. So yes, it is other divers I worry most about.

Men buy these huge Super Duty, 4X4 pickups in droves in Texas, and when it shows, they like to show off. They zip past other traffic like we are standing still. Right up until they hit something -- a pole, a tree, or a car.

@caseydog I can't count the number of 4 wheel drive trucks and SUVs and Jeeps that I have seen lose control in snow that shouldn't have fazed a Canadian. I no longer see nearly as much of that since they made winter tires mandatory in Quebec. No, 4 season tires don't count as winter tires here in Quebec. In fact, most of my friends refer to them as 3 season tires.
@caseydog I can't count the number of 4 wheel drive trucks and SUVs and Jeeps that I have seen lose control in snow that shouldn't have fazed a Canadian. I no longer see nearly as much of that since they made winter tires mandatory in Quebec. No, 4 season tires don't count as winter tires here in Quebec. In fact, most of my friends refer to them as 3 season tires.

The photo above, my Audi allroad Quattro in six inches of snow was running on summer tires. No problem. There is 4WD, AWD... and there is Quattro.
Tomorrow is looking more like freezing rain and sleet in the morning, which isn't pretty. Snow comes late afternoon and into the night. I don't have high hopes for pretty pictures.

Freezing rain does bad things to Live Oaks, which are full of leaves all winter. Branches break under the weight of the ice. I may take a drive before dark to see how bad the damage is, but will probably just take my iPhone for pictures.

Bummer. :cry:


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