2025 Edition - What's your weather right now?

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Around here, drivers often think they are playing video games - especially in inclement weather. Sadly, the Tokyo Drift is even harder to master when ice is on the road. We are expecting a cold, windy day tomorrow with a slight chance of an icy mix on Saturday.
Around here, drivers often think they are playing video games - especially in inclement weather. Sadly, the Tokyo Drift is even harder to master when ice is on the road. We are expecting a cold, windy day tomorrow with a slight chance of an icy mix on Saturday.

Audi has a three-day school where they teach you to do that that. They only do it in Finland and New Zealand right now. I've been invited, as a five time Audi owner, but the price was just more than I want to spend -- all in all, almost as much as my car. If this comes to North America, I am there!!!

My thrill-seeking days are limited to driving in our city - which already feels like a video game. Here is what I have learned so far:
1. The darker the windows, the more likely the driver has his/her own independent driving rules that s/he follows.
2. When a light turns red, the traffic will continue as normal for a good 4 seconds without thought to those who now have a green light.
3. Turn indicators are merely an option as others should realize that drivers in other cars telepathically let others know their lane or destination plans.
4. The horn is ineffective without the addition of the universal finger of "I don't approve/like what you did" and/or assorted profanity which often lacks structure or context. (The horn is used when simply another driver is mad...even if they are not in the right or had right away.)
5. There is a correlation between driving ability and insurance or lack thereof. (Ex. Good driver = good insurance.)

I could go on, but then I would give others an unfair advantage in winning the driving game in our town. LOL
Nice ones Kathleen!

Believe it or not,
horns (Quebec) can only be used for emergency - think it's a $300. fine. In the area I lived it worked, don't know about the downtown areas.
Toronto and areas - if you are caught in the intersection when your light finally turns red, you are then blocking the green light drivers - another $300 fine. ... this one actually works.
Busy intersections are starting to install Red Light Cameras - which aid in the above. You are sent a picture and the fine in the mail.

Heavily tinted windows are not allowed in the driver, front passenger, nor front windscreen. I see an awful lot of those.

I don't know what the demerit points are for these infractions.
Heavily tinted windows are not allowed in the driver, front passenger, nor front windscreen. I see an awful lot of those.

Same here. Behind those windows, you can go "limo" darkness. Many cars come from the dealership already tinted to the legal limits in Texas. Mine did.

Almost all the 1½" of snow has melted here, but just from the sunshine, as it is not warming up here! Not supposed to get over freezing today, but it is very bright today. That snow down south is coming up here Friday into Saturday, but it is supposed to fizzle out some, for this area. Early next week it is supposed to warm up to around average - around 40° - before cooling off again.
Well, the snow turned to rain, but not freezing rain. Now we have slush. Ugly, nasty slush.


I drove through a new neighborhood of townhomes. Not much traffic, so the slush is still relatively Clean.

Here is the same neighborhood with pristine wet snow in a park. I measured three inches on top of my gas grill.


Only one casualty in the neighborhood. The mailboxes for the two houses next to mine. No tire tracks anywhere near it.


Well, the snow has stopped. there is one more small wave coming, but it's not likely to add more significant accumulation. So, it looks like we got up to about 4.5 inches, based on an average of measurements around my yard. It's hard to measure on the grassy parts of the yard, -- there was air space under the snow due to the warm soil, so I went with accumulations on patio furniture and parked cars.


The highest measurement was 5 inches, and the lowest was 4 inches. This one came right in the middle, so I'll call that my "official" measurement.

It will all be gone by end of day tomorrow, except for some small patches that don't get any sunlight all day.

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Love your tree! Hope it isn't too badly damaged.

That is "Grandpa's Tree." My ex-wife's family paid for a tree for me to plant in my paternal grandfathers memory when he died. My ex-wife loved grandpa, and this was a thoughtful gift.

It was a good tree, a Live Oak, from a good tree farm, planted by the tree farm. It had a trunk of about two inches in diameter, 6.28 in circumference -- 2 X 3.14 (Pi). It is now 16 inches in diameter, or 50.24 inches in circumference).

I I have it professionally pruned every year in January, and properly fed and watered.

The "Big Freeze" of 2021 did damage the bark, but has has recovered well. This cold spell won't hurt it at all. The winter storm in 2021 was a once in a hundred years event. It is Native to my area, so it can take cold and severe drought.

First winter storm for us. Began snowing past the middle of the night last night and kept on, except for a couple hour respite in the middle of the day, all day long. Ended up with about 6+ inches of the white stuff when it finally ended about 4 o'clock this afternoon. No wind and the snow is/was very wet to it piled up pretty good.

However, I did take the opportunity to make a nice big batch of snow cream. No yellow snow and it made for a good dessert with tonight's meal...plus there's more in the freezer for another time. Yum!

The snow will be with us for a while because our predicted temps aren't supposed to get above freezing until about Thursday.

I just hope, since the snow is so wet, that it doesn't cause problems with power lines. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, we're prepared with 5-gallon buckets of water to flush toilets, plenty of pitchers of water for drinking/cooking/brushing teeth, etc., gas logs (if necessary) for warming, a good store of fresh/frozen food, along with oodles of blankies to keep warm.

Lessons learned from the horrific 2009 ice storm.
Native to the area is always a plus. It's why our lawns are all yellow and brown in a drought, except the nice green "weeds". :giggle:

Everything I planted in my yard is native to North Texas (except my herbs).

Home builders used to plant cheap, fast growing trees, like maples and Bradford pears, but they die in 10 to 15 years In North Texas. Now these so-called "trash trees" are illegal in Frisco.

The primary turf grass here is Bermudagrass. In severe droughts with water restrictions, it will go dormant, but not die. It also goes dormant in the winter. When dormant, it is pale green/yellow/light brown in color.

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