2025 - What have you had for breakfast?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Breakfast at IHOP. Buttermilk pancakes with butter, glazed strawberries, old-fashioned syrup, strawberry syrup, and sour cream. Ham on the side. Tomato juice and hot tea.


Lately it's been 4 cups water, 2 cups 9 grain flakes, cooked up, enough for 2 and 1/2 days. A bowl for breakfast and a small bowl before bed, with raisins or wild blueberries, chia/flax/wheat germ, and honey. It's a cozy meal for me and I enjoy it, especially at night.
If I ate that much food at 7:30 am, I wouldn't wake up from my food coma until 5:30 pm. I can't eat like that, anymore.

After breakfast, (I ate basically one pancake that's not that much, and 3 small pieces of ham. Took most of that food home). Breakfast tomorrow. DD and I did errands and hit 3 markets, out till 2:30pm. So no nap. Worked a lot of it off.
If I ate that much food at 7:30 am, I wouldn't wake up from my food coma until 5:30 pm. I can't eat like that, anymore.

Unfortunately, I still can, which does nothing for losing any weight. I'm still waiting to be that old woman who can't eat like a horse anymore and is cold all the time - that is, when it'd not freezing outside. I have the feeling all this will only happen when they've lowered me into the ground.

Speaking of which, if you guys are making out your wills, please remember if you have facial recognition on your phones, take care of that, too. You don't want your loved ones waving a phone over your face while you're laid out in the funeral parlor.

That is all. Carry on.
Sunday Brunch, 26 Jan 25 - Huevos rancheros, frijoles rancheros con rodajas de jalapeño, papas a la Mexicana, ensalada de frutas, tortillas de harina, y mimosas de naranja. Anyone who says they don't like Mexican food, has never had Mexican food!

'Almost' an omelet (2 eggs, dollop of heavy creme) with julienned baby spinach, mushrooms, Monterey Jack. A bit of herbes de provence and fresh pepper.
First, I fried up some spinach leaves dipped in egg white. Aside from spattering avocado oil from here to K/C, nice but I should stick with the proper recipe for them. Threw the left-over whites into the bowl of egg mixture.
Guess that's really brunch seeing as it is now 11:30 am.
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