And Another New on Here!!

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Assistant Cook
Dec 21, 2024
Near Edinburgh
I'm an elderly gent who has to manage on his own now. My mum was always good at encouraging us as kids to cook, and then a significant number of years doing mountaineering camping adds to ones confidence.

I am here to ask a specific question but I do quite a bit of baking and am sure I will remain.
Welcome Thanks for joining us, AmBodach!

I can presume Edinburgh will be Scotland? I've been watching a TV series out of Scotland and had to put the "cc" on to understand the accent! LOL, so if I were to talk live with you, would I be able to understand? 🤭 :blush:
Welcome Thanks for joining us, AmBodach!

I can presume Edinburgh will be Scotland? I've been watching a TV series out of Scotland and had to put the "cc" on to understand the accent! LOL, so if I were to talk live with you, would I be able to understand? 🤭 :blush:
Sure you will be able to understand him, if he doesn't speak too fast and isn't trying to make it hard. ;)

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