... and other interests - fails!

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
I expect this to be a very short thread LOL.
I once heard (or saw) an idea for cocktail picks to jazz them up. Gluing rhinestones and whatevers to plastic ones.
So I got me some plastic picks with heads on them, dug out the rhinestones and spent ages mixing and matching colours and squeezing for different sizes to fit equally. Very proud of the finished product. Cheesy but jazzy, sparkling cute.
Made some hors d'oeuvres, got out the picks.... only to discover the jewels coming off in my hand when placed in the food. It was a hot, humid summer evening and well, needless to say - FAIL!

Have now picked off the ones that stayed on and think I will use them to stick to the stalactites of the baby dragon's egg. Using a better glue, although actually shouldn't be a problem as the stalactites won't be plastic!
Be brave enough to suck at something new!

Stop judging yourself so hard. If we never try new things and fail, we never try. What a sad day THAT is. Be brave, go for it.

I paint and lots of stuff I paint sucks. Some of the stuff turns out too. I just stay at it because it is fun, creative, meditative.

We started bees last year, lost them before winter. That sucked. We built MORE hives, and now we have 10 of them and the honey harvest was great.

So try new things, fail, try again or try something different!
LOL, bliss don't worry, not judging myself. If I was upset or ashamed, I'd probably never tell anyone and certainly not on the internet! LOL
No, not sorry I did it. a lesson learned!
I'm the first person to laugh at myself whether over an error - mistake - embarrassment - whatever!
No, I simply posted it for others to have a bit of a chuckle and maybe learn as well.
I thought it was funny and just lucky enough they didn't get served to have people chomping down on a couple of colourful rhinestones.
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