Announcement: Cooking on TV - Discuss the Shows!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Andy R

Site Team
Staff member
Feb 14, 2002
Dallas, Tx
We are please to announce the opening of a new section of our site where we can discuss all the fantastic cooking shows that are currently running on TV. The goal of this forum is to create a place for friendly discussions, not negative debates, that must adhere to our Community Rules. Although different opinions are certainly allowed we ask that you make your best effort to present your opinions in a respectful manner. The hard part here is interpreting each others comments over the internet where subtle nuances in personal communication cannot be seen through our posts which are in text only.

Please consider that others might have a different tolerance on what is polite (or not) and try to err on the side of being polite. We would like to encourage our members who do not have anything nice to say to limit their negative comments so the discussions can remain friendly and positive. We are here to chat about the shows in a respectful fun way.

We would also like to ask our members who have a very low threshold to take some comments with a grain of salt. It's important that we encourage members on both sides to be tolerant and not take things personally.

That being said, we are going to outline some examples of what we consider to be acceptable and unacceptable comments in hopes this will help everyone understand what the rules of participation are.

Comment: "Rachel Ray is a giggling idiot"
Observation: People have different opinions on the term idiot. Some think it's a very harsh term when others don't consider it to be so bad. In the event you want to make a comment similar to the above, it would be better to say something like, "I don't like Rachel Ray's giggly personality".

Comment: "Sandra's cleavage is semi-home made." or "Giada has giant head and man hands"
Observation: We are here to talk about the cooking show, not their anatomy. Please keep the comments relevant to cooking.
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