Anybody got a good blondie recipe

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Assistant Cook
Dec 1, 2024
United States
I want to make a good dessert for my family christmas party. I originally thought about doing a banana bread sheetcake with two layers spread on top. The first one being melted peanut butter, then the top layer being a no bake chocolate cheesecake spread which I believe will include:
- 2 blocks of cream cheese
- 1 pint of heavy cream
- 1 package of family size chocolate jell-o pudding
- 3/4 cup of sugar or 1 can of sweetened condensed milk(If i do the SCM I'm probably getting rid of the heavy cream)

This is what I was originally going to do but then I had the idea to do a banana bread blondie basically. Does anyone have a good blondie recipe I could use?
I can't think of any no-bake blondies, but ones I've baked before were simply some cookies batter, like CC cookies or snickerdoodles, spread into a pan, and baked.
I'm pretty sure there is a recipe for blondies here on this forum. Let me go look for it.
Found 2 slightly different versions posted by the same person on the same day.

Ask Dagwood.

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