Anyone Gluten Free?

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short answer, yes. I'd have to dig out all my paperwork, but the main ones are glutenfree and this anti-inflammatory diet by Dr. Weil. Dr. Weil's Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid -
and just for quick viewing sake
I'm also to cut sugar, so fruits are to be limited with no oranges, and dairy. Fats? Well, I'm not supposed to eat potato chips. Deepfried stuff is common sense, but I've only ever had this occasionally anyway.

I was doing pretty well for a few months, but it was getting boring. As of today, I have gotten pretty lazy, except that I still have my "approved" breakfast everyday and I mostly eat ok foods, but I need more vegetables and I've become addicted to some gluten-free snacks, but not sugarfree or low sodium. bah! It's very difficult when the approved foods are far and few between or I don't know how to cook them or keep them fresh (veggies)!

Perhaps a dietician could advise?

My daughter finds it difficult to find sugar free or low sugar gluten-free snacks. She's not particularly keen on fruit, except for strawberries occasionally and also frozen raspberries

My brother in law mentioned yesterday that he's not good about eating his veggies, so he's trying pickling them. You can make quick refrigerator pickles from just about any vegetable; they'll keep for at least a month. Or you can freeze them or can them for longer storage. There are lots of different flavor variations and they make great snacks and garnishes.

Canning doesn't have to be a huge project with bushels of produce. I have this book about preserving in small batches:

The author also runs a blog with recipes, ideas and links to the gear she uses:
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Does milk sugar (lactose) count, or just sucrose and fructose? I love to make tzatziki and it's great with pita chips and crudités. You could try it with rice crackers instead of the pita. Here's my recipe:

Hummus is another good choice for a snack, also with crudités for dipping. I like it with a roasted red pepper blended into it.

If you can give us a list of the foods you can eat, we can help you better :)
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