Beer in marinade question

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I going to try a marinade that requires a Mexican Beer.
I rarely, drink beer so I dont know how much different a Mexican beer is from any other. I have a few pushed to the back of my outside fridge.
The marinade has orange juice, lime juice, chipotles in adobo, cumin, coriander, cilantro, garlic and a bunch of other stuff that I cant think of off the top of my head. The beer amount is about 50% of the liquid in the marinade. Do you think using a Mexican beer would make a substantial difference compared to using any other beer. I dont feel like making an extra trip to the store , if I dont have to.
Craig used Modelo in non Mexican dishes when he used to drink, basically whatever beer was in the refrigerator. Didn't seem to make a difference. Only time we bought specific beer was when I was making prosciutto bread and thought it might make a difference, which I'm not sure it did honestly.
That’s a little like calling for “an American beer”. So vague as to be meaningless. Sam Adams or Bud Light? They taste entirely different.

There are loads of Mexican beers and — to me— they taste different.

I’d use a lighter American beer unless you want to have a bitter note and then I’d choose a heavier one.

I use that exact marinade a few times a year (delicious!) and use bud light.
Just use water or more orange juice or any beer if you have it.
Are you sending our invites over? (joke)
I don't think you'd notice any difference. The recipe may call for Mexican beer because of the author's bias. Similar to when a recipe calls for Hunt's Tomato Paste.
Honestly: any beer will do for a marinade
There will be a bit of difference between say a stout and a lager, but I figure you won't notice it (I'm a beer drinker)
I use different beers for different cooks, I like to braise in a dark, rich beer (Abita Turbo Dog), I put bratwurst in a bath of cheap beer (Old Milwaukee) and sautéed onions. I sometimes put beer in my Chili, and use a decent big brand beer.

I have not used beer to marinate, that I can recall. If I did, I'd probably use Modelo Especialle for something like fajita (skirt steak).

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