Blanquette de Veau searching!

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Did someone post a recipe for Blanquette de Veau?
Perhaps if not with veal, with pork? or maybe even chicken?

I remember making something and thanking someone for the recipe and I simply can't find either the post or a recipe in any of my files. I'm pretty sure I would have made a note of it... but rien!
oct. 29 2011
Nope, don't remember that one. But thanks bliss.

I know many consider it being very bland. It's only that I came across another recipe for it and wondered how they compared.
I really have to get disciplined on how many recipes I collect. I have almost 1500 on CMT and probably a lot more in my Word file, most of those are printed....

and I'm still looking at and saving more everyday

someone help me - I'm drowning! (in recipes I'll probably never make)
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