Botswanan recipes?

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Assistant Cook
Jan 18, 2025
I really like international cuisine, and trying new recipes. Hopefully I can go to Botswana one day, but until then, does anybody know any Botswanan dishes or recipes for me to try and cook?
Why Botswana specifically?
Curious minds want to know ;)

The food is pretty similar to "stsndard" Southern African fare
Yeah, I mean most of the culture of Southern African countries grew before the Europeans gave them borders so it is pretty randomly spread and not just in the country. So Botswanan dishes are pretty much just South African dishes
I know some African dishes, but nothing specifically deemed Botswana. Or, if I do, I am unaware. What are some of the specific traits for that kind of food?
Our last big trip was to South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia. In November.

So very close to Botswana. But not there.

The food was ok but not remarkable. The monkeys all over the place made meals interesting…

Also the elephants 😳
Our last big trip was to South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia. In November.

So very close to Botswana. But not there.

The food was ok but not remarkable. The monkeys all over the place made meals interesting…

Also the elephants 😳
I totally want to hear about dining amongst monkeys and elephants! I think food, which is generally front and center with me, could slide to the side to hear the details!
Our last big trip was to South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia. In November.

So very close to Botswana. But not there.

The food was ok but not remarkable. The monkeys all over the place made meals interesting…

Also the elephants 😳
Why didn't you come to visit me?
Local food evolves around maize flour, called by a different name in almost each country.
Mielie pap in South Africa
Sadza in Zimbabwe
Nshima in Zambia etc
It's made into a stiff porridge, then eaten with some form of a stew.
Meat if there is any money. Otherwise veges.
Popular are tomato/onion, cabbage, dry beans, sweet potato leaves, pumpkin leaves
Fish is also popular and generally grilled.

Above is mostly local.
South Africans like their potjies (stew in cast iron 3-legged pot over charcoal or wood fire) and braai's (grill).
What else..
Boerewors comes to mind, piri piri chicken (originally Portuguese and Mozambique, but popular all over Southern Africa).
Bobotie, Sosatie, Malva pudding, bunny chow (all South African).

Shout if you want more :)
I don't know if anyone remembers the Food Network forums where one of my incarnations (I used to get kicked out of that forum quite regularly and had to keep changing names to get back in) was Yoma Madoo (Yo Mama Do!), a lady from Botswana. It was several months before anyone realized who Yoma Madoo really was.

As Yoma Madoo from Botswana, I posted a recipe for a roasted springbok leg. Well, the recipe was real, but I can't seem to find it now. If you google Springbok recipes and substitute venison for the springbok, it should be pretty accurate.
I don't know her, but will ask mr & mrs Google
I have not had springbok, but have eaten impala, kudu, duiker etc
Lean meat...
Kudu biltong is pretty awesome
Do the meats taste really different from each other? Different in the colours of the meats, like darker or lighter, on the pinkish side, etc.
Do the meats taste really different from each other? Different in the colours of the meats, like darker or lighter, on the pinkish side, etc.
Yes and no...
They are lean meats so there is only that much you can do with them.
I like sort of beef bourguignon style, in which case you won't really notice.

But if you grill to maximum rare to medium rare, then you will taste a difference.
Don't go over medium rare as the meat wil get though.
I don't know her, but will ask mr & mrs Google
I have not had springbok, but have eaten impala, kudu, duiker etc
Lean meat...
Kudu biltong is pretty awesome
I used to have a 1966 Impala!


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