Executive Chef
My breading ingredients. First tossed the cut up chicken in some GP flour mixed with some Mad Hunky Hot Wang chicken rub. Then into some Cayenne pepper sauce and then tossed in a mixture of Panko bread crumbs, GP flour and Mad Hunky Chicken Wang chicken Rub.

Then fried them up and let them drain/finish indirectly.

Nuked some russets, cut them into wedges and deep fried them.

Tossed the fried chicken thighs in more Cayenne pepper sauce and melted butter.

Plated, added some blue cheese dressing, carrots and celery

Then fried them up and let them drain/finish indirectly.

Nuked some russets, cut them into wedges and deep fried them.

Tossed the fried chicken thighs in more Cayenne pepper sauce and melted butter.

Plated, added some blue cheese dressing, carrots and celery