Burger King chili

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Assistant Cook
Feb 20, 2009
I hope this was not brought up before. But I don't seem to come close to Burger King chili. Does anyone have the recipie for Burger King Chili. I sure would love to have it.


wendy's chili

Thank you.

But It doesn't come close to Burger Kings.
I'm with the others that are curious. Where does Burger King sell chili? I know it's not in So Cal or in NC because I've lived both of those places so I'm curious where BK Chili is sold.
I agree, Wendy’s chili is some of the best “restaurant chili” I’ve ever tasted, but it comes in second to Burger King chili. I live in Royal Oak MI and I was excited when they started selling it 4-5 years ago (?). It would probably be hard to duplicate. It’s unique flavor was due to using their flamed-broiled patties crumbled up to put in it. I’m sure it was to keep “timed-out” meat from going to waste. Using “leftover” meat didn’t make a difference (if that, in fact, was what they did) because there was still nothing wrong with the meat. It had just been under the heat lamps longer than they allowed for their burgers. It was still delicious and putting it in the chili re-vitalized it. Sadly, it was only a seasonal item until they stopped selling it all together.
BK's around here don't have chili. Never heard of it before.
I have enough digestive issues (to put it nicely), with fast food. I don't need to add fast food chili to the mix.
Burger King style Chili

1 lb. 80/20 thin burger patties cooked over charcoal
12 oz can dark red Kidney beans, undrained
12 oz, can undrained diced tomato
1 stalk thinly slice celery
1 tbs. cocoa powder
1 tbs. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. ground corian
3 tbs. chili powder
1 medium yellow onion, coarsely chopped
1 tbs. black pepper
3 cloves minced garlic

Cook ground beef patties with cover on until lightly browned on both sides, Set them on a plate.

Place 1 tbs. cooking oil into your chili pot and add the onion, and celery. Cook over medium heat until the onion begins to become translucent. Add the garlic, herbs, and spices. Stir for 1 minute. Add the tomato products and, beans. Break up the burger patties, roughly, and add with any uices on the plate. If you need more liquid, add V8 brand veggie juice (spicy or original as you prefer), until the chili has the right consistency for you. Taste and add more cumin and/or chili powder as needed.It's not in BK chili, but cilantro really enhances the flavor of chili IMO.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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